Lirik lagu Touch, Feel & Lose Ryan Adams

Ryan Adams

I knew I was never gonna talk to you tomorrow And oh, the birds how they sing If you were a bird could you sing me a song of sorrow 'Cause all I know from you is grief But I never wanted to be your rolling train I never wanted to be your dancin' shoes I j.. Read »

Lirik lagu Tomorrow Ryan Adams

Ryan Adams

Pulled into the station And they're playing Waylon Jennings When you're driving through so late at night You'll see the lights are blinding Yeah, and I'll be thinking of you Home, my baby's going home My baby's going home Tomorrow A million miles of nothi.. Read »

Lirik lagu Terrifying Rolling Stones

Rolling Stones

No matter what you say No matter what you do I'm lazy as a lion My body's just for you Crazy for you I'm sneaky as a snake I'm dirty as a dog I'm rutting like a goat I'm horny as a hog Terrifying love I get these strange strange strange desires Strange st.. Read »