There's a spectre at the feast Feeding on my soul and drinking my hopes awayThere's a wind from the eastMy heart grows cold, my rainbows turn to greyThere's a spectre at the feastTearing me up and tossing my bones to the wolvesOn the brink of defeatWe're .. Read »
Lirik lagu Solomon Arena
In the distance Hidden from sight - patiently Waiting for me Part of the night - enemy mine This horizon Darkness and light - opposites Drawn together, one forever Wrong and the right - enemy mine Now is the time to decide...... Don't answer me with the s.. Read »
Lirik lagu Skin Game Arena
Knowing what I knowI'm never free to come and goBut when I try to open doorsI burn when daylight hits the floor Playing the skin gameBreathing the blue flamePlaying the skin gameIn sight, insaneKnowing what I knowI've been looking for a space to growAnd m.. Read »
Lirik lagu Still Take You Home (translate) Arctic Monkeys
It's ever so funny, I don't think you're special I don't think you're coolIni sangat lucu, saya rasa Anda tidak istimewa, saya rasa Anda tidak kerenYou're just probably alright, but under these lights you look beautifulAnda mungkin baik-baik saja, tapi di.. Read »
Lirik lagu Senandung Rembulan Feat. Evie Tamala Imam S. Arifin
Kudengar alunan laguBersenandung rinduMelodi cinta yang menggebuDi dalam hati yang terpakuNamun apalah dayakuRembulan kelabuDi malam yangKelam membisuHanyalah bayangan yang semuAkhirnyaKasihpun tak sampaiMaafkanlah akuBegitu lamaIngin aku curahkanGelora c.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sirens Arena
Silently calling I hear myself speak My breath is in my hands I cry out your name Silently calling I feel so at peace And the time to surrender Is the time you will take hold of me What did you do when you woke today What did you feel, were you sad or afr.. Read »
Lirik lagu Still Take You Home Arctic Monkeys
It's ever so funny, I don't think you're special I don't think you're coolYou're just probably alreyt, but under these lights you look beautifulBut I'm struggling, I can't see through your fake tan And you know it for a fact that everybody's eating out of.. Read »
Lirik lagu Semakin Cinta (feat Nana Mardiana) Imam S. Arifin
Aku semakin cinta, aku semakin sayangWalau dirimu bukan yang pertama untukuAku juga makin sayangDemi tuhan ku makin sayangSampai akhir hidupku cintaku hanya untukmuAku semakin cinta, aku semakin sayangWalau dirimu bukan yang pertama untukuLupakan masa lal.. Read »
Lirik lagu Semenjak Kita Putus Feat Massromantic Imela Kei
HeiSeneng ketemu kamu lagiSedikit beda dari terakhirKe mana saja, di mana saja kamu selama iniBoleh ku tahu nomormu yang baruKarena yang terakhir kali sudah kuhapusOh semenjak kita putusSetahun yang laluKu yang keras kepalaTak mau percaya pada kejujuranmu.. Read »
Lirik lagu Salamander Arena
Blue fire, spreading acrossFrom my finger tips - a powerful chaosIce cold, consuming allUnstoppable advancing wall ofRadiance, marching forthFor the final throws of a world war Bow down before the truthI hear the cry - too late to stop you Burn - Like a m.. Read »