'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,And to take him at his word;Just to rest upon his promise,And to know, "Thus saith the Lord."[Refrain:]Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him!How I've proved him o'er and o'er!Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!O for grace to trust him mo.. Read »
Lirik lagu There's A New Kid In Town Alan Jackson F/ Keith Whitley
(Don Cook/Curly Putman/Keith Whitley) We're looking for The KingThe new MessiahWe're following the star Shining brighterOld man won't you help us if you canHe shook his head But he pointed his handThere's a new kid in townAnd he's lying in a manger down t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tinggal Kenangan (accoustic) Feat. Tohpati Caramel Band
Pernah ada rasa cintaAntara kita kini tinggal kenanganIngin kulupakanSemua tentang dirimuNamun tak lagikanseperti dirimu oh bintangkuReff :Jauh kau pergi meninggalkan dirikuDisini aku merindukan dirimuKini ku coba mencari penggantimuNamun tak lagi kansepe.. Read »
Lirik lagu Takut Mati Captain Lord
Aku raguAtas semua yang kau bisikkanAtas semua yang kau janjikanAtas semua yang kau berikanAku takutRayuanmu membunuh hatikuBelaianmu membunuh jiwakuHadiahmu membunuh ragakuReff :Aku takut matiKarena ditinggal pergiBerat hati ini kau pergiAku takut matiKa.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Angels Cried Alan Jackson F/ Alison Krauss
(Harley Allen/Deborah Nims)They came from near,they came from far Following a distance star to where He lay Not being sure of what it mean,but Knowing it was their way And the creatures gathered 'round And didn't make a sound And the angels cried The ange.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Chemistry (between Us) Butterfingers
I never again and again count it overNever again and again and again thiswhy ?Come on again and again on my powerAnd on the shame and my pain will I get this ?Why ?it's so real!!!Fall in love again ?It's all we have to liveWhenever i'm unseenI blame it on.. Read »
Lirik lagu Takkan Terlupa Cantigi Band
Sunyi sepi sendiri di heningnya redup malamMenantikan hadirmu yang bangkitkan jiwa iniPejamkan mata ini sekejap mengingat dirimuDan rasakan cintanya kenangan yang indah bersamamuTakkan pernah terlupaWalau kita telah berpisahSemua kisah denganmu yang selal.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tall Tall Trees Alabn Jackson
If you want to drive a big limousineI'll buy the longest one you've ever seenI'll buy you tall, tall treesOn all the waters and the seasI'm a fool, fool, fool for youIf you want to own a great big mansionWell i'll give it my utmost attentionI'll buy you t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tinggalkan Aku Terdiam Burgerkill
Kau campakkan aku terbuangTanpa penggalan kata terciptaKau pergi... Setan!Hilang... Lenyap!Pergi... Jauh!Lingkaran sesak rasaTerhimpit rasa kecewaBerpaling sisakan harapTerlepas aku terjatuhKau tinggalkan aku terdiamSudah cukup derita terasaBiar kupendam .. Read »
Lirik lagu Tetap Bertahan Butterfly
Tak dapat aku bayangkanMampukah aku bertahanSelepasnya kamu pergiKumerasa tak berarti*) Kuingin kamu pahami Tetaplah disini dan kau akan mengertiBerjuta tanya kau ucapMungkin tak dapat terjawabBack to *)Reff: 1Sebenarnya....Kemanapun ku pergiKan ku.... .. Read »