Lirik lagu Sunshine Atmosphere


Ain't no way to explain or sayHow painful the hangover was todayIn front of the toilet, hands and kneesTrying to breathe in between the dry heavesMy baby made me some coffeeAfraid that if I drink some it's probably coming right back out meCouple of advil,.. Read »

Lirik lagu Summer Song Atmosphere


Slug: [Verse 1]She came back to visit, she says'Cause in some ways, Minneapolis is more real than L.A.But I won't go to the triple-rock on a tuesdayToo many people pop out of they pimples and playAnd at night, we can watch these people in these barsThey'r.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sudi Turun Ke Bumi Kla Project

Kla Project

Aroma wangi tercium dari tubuhmu terbungkus kain bernilai dan tingkah laku kau seorang Putri yang percaya diri Oh langkahmu melenggang ke arah yang pasti bagai merak cantik anggun menarik hati semua mata, memandang terpana Bagaimana diriku tak akan tergod.. Read »

Lirik lagu Suicidegirls Atmosphere


[Voice messages from upset girlfriends]Hey you fucking assholeHi Sean, I just got finished cleaning some vomit out of my carSean, I'm so fucking pissed at you I could rip your goddamn arms off and..Anyways, I don't care, I don't wanna fucking talk to youI.. Read »

Lirik lagu Suicide Girls Atmosphere


[Voice messages from upset girlfriends]Hey you fucking assholeHi Sean, I just got finished cleaning some vomit out of my carSean, I'm so fucking pissed at you I could rip your goddamn arms off and..Anyways, I don't care, I don't wanna fucking talk to youI.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sound Is Vibration Atmosphere


[Slug] I'm sparked, waiting for the dark to hit Cuz when the moon gets above my apartment, I catch fits for starting shit I'm smart with it, I give it that special touch when I push it Cuz I'm also a label rep, and I can't allow no bullshit So shush kid, .. Read »

Lirik lagu Someday Kla Project

Kla Project

Sekilas kulihat senyumanmu untukkuWalau saat itu kau belum mengenalkuSomeday i will tell you cerita tentang dirikuSejak waktu itu hati kecil bicaraDunia 'kan indah bila kita bersamaSomeday i will get youIt doesn't matter what they sayOh sungguh kau meramp.. Read »

Lirik lagu Smart Went Crazy Atmosphere


[Slug]Smart went crazy, truth went trendyThe story got lazy so I rewrote the endingManipulated the entry, more user friendlyNow a city full of pain pills and tattoos defend meI waver from the dead to the half deadGrey space between the fan base and the cr.. Read »

Lirik lagu Si Muda Pembaharuan Kla Project

Kla Project

Di tengah galau pendapat akan pembaruan Kita siap menggenggam tonggak bendera Hasrat tertancapkan tegak di bukit kemenangan berkibar panji muda menebar semangat Jabat tangan kita peluk nyali nan mesra katakan "kita t'rus bertahan" Enyah aral datang tetap .. Read »

Lirik lagu Shrapnel Atmosphere


[Slug]Shrapnel...I can't remember who asked me, but someone asked meHow long I thought that I would be allowed atop this trash heapI didn't answer cause I'm tired of criticizing the massesInspired the support the devouring of the selfAll the power to the .. Read »