Skies are crying, I am watchingCatching teardrops in my handsOnly silence as it's endingLike we never had a chanceDo you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me?You can take everything I haveYou can break everything I amLike I'm made of glass.. Read »
Lirik lagu Satan My Master Bathory
Satan My MasterI slit my wrists to drain me of my bloodSatan My MasterUp side down I turn the cross of GodSatan My MasterRecieve this sacrifice this blood of mineSatan My MasterI cut into my rotten flesh your signsSatan My MasterRemember me when judgement.. Read »
Lirik lagu She's Everything Bb Mak
If you let me be a part of youIf you tell me what I've gotta doMaybe I could change I don't wanna see another dayIf I ever let you walk awayFrom the love we have And hereI can't see whyI need her close to me She's everythingEverything that I ever wanted, .. Read »
Lirik lagu Save Me Tonight Bb Mak
So many reasons that I findTo run to youCos there's so little lovingIn my life now I'm away And thinking about itI want things back how they used to beCos there's no way around itNothing good comes easily So much between usAnd we both know that it's wrong.. Read »
Lirik lagu Selamat Jalan Kekasih Novita Dewi
Berpisah denganmu t'lah membuatku semakin mengertiBetapa indah saat bersamaYang masih selalu kukenangSelamat jalan kekasih, kaulah cinta dalam hidupkuAku kehilanganmu untuk selama-lamanyaCukup sekali kau lukai hati iniTak ingin terulang kembaliKau tinggal.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sadist (tormentor) Bathory
I love to see you writhe in throeThe more you suffer my lust growsI slit your throat and tear your fleshMy desire will be your deathSADIST (Tormentor)I welter in blood I rape and slayStab sliver lacerateso many lusts to satisfyTo still my hunger another m.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sempurna (the Way You Are) Nsg Star
Kau begitu sempurna di mataku kau begitu indahKau membuat diriku akan selalu memujamuDi setiap langkahku ku kan selalu merindukan dirimuTak bisa ku bayangkan hidupku tanpa cintamuJanganlah kau tinggalkan dirikuTakkan mampu menghadapi semuaHanya bersamamu .. Read »
Lirik lagu Sampai Habis Air Mataku Novita Dewi
Saat melepasmu pergi jauhBerakhir dengan luka yang dalamSanggupkah ku untuk menunggumuMenuggu sesuatu yang tak pastiKembalilah, kembalilah kasihKembalilh ku rindu engkau di siniPerlahan-lahan kau mnghilangBerlari-lari kau ku cariTerbayang-bayang kau pun d.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sacrifice Bathory
I summoned up the living deadand demons in the skiesI drank from chalice warm and redand watched the virgin diePresent at ungodly births in holy paradiseI spread eternal dark on earthAnd raped mother of Christ(Oh, mother of Christ)C'mon baby raise your kn.. Read »
Lirik lagu Suara Pikiranku Noah
dara berhenti menyiksakuperlahan belenggu mengikatku ooh ooohdimana kau taruh hatimudimanakah letak cinta itudara berhenti menyiksakudengarlah suara pikiranku ooh ooohdimana kau taruh hatimudimanakah letak cinta itudimana kau taruh hatimudimana dara diman.. Read »