Awan-awan menghitamLangit runtuhkan bumiSaat aku tahuKenyataan menyakitkanMengapa semua menangisPadahal ′ku selalu tersenyum?Usap air matamuAku tak ingin ada kesedihanBurung sampaikan nada piluAngin terbangkan rasa sedihJemput bahagia di harinyaBerikan di.. Read »
Lirik lagu Candles Future Islands
Soften your penitenceIt′s not your fateRelease the weightOf shouldering after-thoughtsOf watching them fadeOh I can relateBut deciding your innocenceIt's not mine to makeYou′re not mine to saveYou're not mine...Where does it go?Where does it go?This one, .. Read »
Lirik lagu Creature Comfort Arcade Fire
Some boys hate themselvesSpend their lives resenting their fathersSome girls hate their bodiesStand in the mirror and wait for the feedbackSaying, "God, make me famousIf you can′t, just make it painless"Just make it painlessAssisted suicideShe dreams abou.. Read »
Lirik lagu Co Myślisz? (koncert) Kortez
Co sobie myślisz?Co sobie myślisz?Co sobie myślisz?Widząc mnieNosiłeś t-shirt z nadrukiem, który nie mówił nicNikomu nie wspominałeś kim wolałbyś byćNikt nie przejmował się kolorem, znaczeniem tłaNikt nie rozumie życia jeszcze, nie pamięta datWolałeś w ba.. Read »
Lirik lagu Crosswords Olivia Dean
You′re good at crosswordsThat's gotta count for somethingA face like August, it′s warm but I don't trust itAnd on a good day like today, I'd keep busyKnow I′m doomed to loving youA fish out of water, you talk with all your friends aboutSomething important.. Read »
Lirik lagu Caligula Ghostemane
Take seven steps backI don′t give a damn if a motherfucker wearing all blackRun that lip, don't know how to actFace get smacked with a Louisville batNow think on that (think on that)WannabeNever has-been, really wanna beef with me (beef with me)I chop em′.. Read »
Lirik lagu Corazón De Cemento J Mena
Para vosQue te haces el que noPero síQue no te mientaNo puede ser casualidadQue nunca se lo vio contigoYa no es amor si no hay testigoQue no te mientaQue te confiese la verdadSi a la noche cuando llamaÉl te extraña en otra camaDile que no vale nada su per.. Read »
Lirik lagu Cheshm Berah Shohreh
حجلهء خاطره های مُردمو بستی و رفتیدرد من مرگ دلم بود اما هیچ وقت نشنفتیپیرهنم بی تن تو باز بوی تنهایی گرفتهحرف من مرثیه هامه واسهء روزای رفتهسر نوشت من تو بودی که منو این جوری ساختیسرنوشت منو چه می شناخت تویی که منو شناختیولی تا باشی وباشم هستیمو از تو می.. Read »
Lirik lagu Carrollton $uicideboy$
Play me some of that $uicide pimpin′, manYou motherfuckers pitiful, I'm too sick of youI′m a walking visual, you boys refillableUnforgivableOnce you cross me, hoeNow you a motherfucking stain to Lil Cut Throat (pop!)Let the gun bangNuts hang, drug game ai.. Read »
Lirik lagu Cynical Mr Fijiwiji
When did I get so cynical(When, When)When did I get so cynicalWhen did I get so cynical(When, When)When did I get so cynicalWhen did I get so cynical(When, When)When did I get so cynical(When).. Read »