Lirik lagu Soundbombing Freestyle Black Star

Black Star

[DJ Evil Dee] Uh, this is Side 2, Evil Dee in your area Rawkus, every four minutes of dump flavored Now and Laters *laughs* and ass-crack Oreos (ready, ready) -interlude- [Talib Kweli] *laughs* Throw your hands in the air, and wave em like you just don't .. Read »

Lirik lagu Strobelite Honey Black Sheep

Black Sheep

Verse One: Dres I skipped the line, I paid my dime I hung my coat, and now it's time To move to the forefront take my rounds Say peace and give a pound have a drink, get down I'm on the floor, besides the door The sound is rich, and I ain't poor I'm looki.. Read »

Lirik lagu Still In The Ghetto Black Sheep

Black Sheep

I guess it gotta give them Headaches over head then your beat breaks Lyrics modum only cause you rode 'em to my scrotum Hoping makes a pretty penny, if any, one of many, we're coming through Smacking ya wit something we seen in Street Fighter II Big D's l.. Read »

Lirik lagu Similak Child (remix) Black Sheep

Black Sheep

Verse One: Now when I first saw ya, I really thought I knew ya But now I see I don't And I wish that I did. Honey made a right Stepped off took flight Upstairs, up some more She made a left and head. Looked down at my shoes And the cuff in my slacks. I kn.. Read »

Lirik lagu Similak Child Black Sheep

Black Sheep

When I first saw you, I thought that I knew you. Now I know I don't Just wish that I did. Honey made a right Stepped of took flight Upstairs, up more, Made a left and head. Looked down at my shoes And the cuff in my slacks. Hand inside my pocket Coming ou.. Read »

Lirik lagu Saatnya Berpisah Sodara Sodari

Sodara Sodari

Reff:tiba saatnya kita untuk berpisahNantikan jumpa di hari selanjutnyaKita berpisah hanya 'tuk sementaraBukan untuk selama-lamanyaKekasihku jangan bersedih...Aku pergi akan kembaliKu pergi tak kan lama...Hanya 'tuk sementaraJangan bersedih...Aku akan kem.. Read »

Lirik lagu Saat Nenek Remaja Sodara Sodari

Sodara Sodari

Pernah aku mendengarSebuah lagu indahDi stasiun radio...Terkemuka di kota DjakartaLagunya lagu lamaGrup musik terkemukaDijadikan idola...Pada saat nenek masih remajaReff:Nenek pun bercerita...Grup musik yang lainnyaSaat nenek remaja...Oh alangkah indahnya.. Read »