Once in a whileShe throwing her smileAnd I can't realize what my friend said"She's got this beautiful long hair"She trying to seduce me (hi boy!)Her name was sallyBut I can't understandShe trying to pretendTo chasing me again...Sally's gotta dick [3x]SoSh.. Read »
Kau katakan salahJika ku merasa tak mampu bicaraKu tak mampu melawanHancur dan tertindas perlahanBangkit mencoba tuk bertahanBerpura-pura ku tak bisaKesalahan kan hadirkan harapanButuh waktu untuk usiaTertunduk lemas dan wajah pucat pasiKan melintasi dan .. Read »
[DJ Evil Dee] Uh, this is Side 2, Evil Dee in your area Rawkus, every four minutes of dump flavored Now and Laters *laughs* and ass-crack Oreos (ready, ready) -interlude- [Talib Kweli] *laughs* Throw your hands in the air, and wave em like you just don't .. Read »
Verse One: Dres I skipped the line, I paid my dime I hung my coat, and now it's time To move to the forefront take my rounds Say peace and give a pound have a drink, get down I'm on the floor, besides the door The sound is rich, and I ain't poor I'm looki.. Read »
I guess it gotta give them Headaches over head then your beat breaks Lyrics modum only cause you rode 'em to my scrotum Hoping makes a pretty penny, if any, one of many, we're coming through Smacking ya wit something we seen in Street Fighter II Big D's l.. Read »
Verse One: Now when I first saw ya, I really thought I knew ya But now I see I don't And I wish that I did. Honey made a right Stepped off took flight Upstairs, up some more She made a left and head. Looked down at my shoes And the cuff in my slacks. I kn.. Read »
When I first saw you, I thought that I knew you. Now I know I don't Just wish that I did. Honey made a right Stepped of took flight Upstairs, up more, Made a left and head. Looked down at my shoes And the cuff in my slacks. Hand inside my pocket Coming ou.. Read »
Reff:tiba saatnya kita untuk berpisahNantikan jumpa di hari selanjutnyaKita berpisah hanya 'tuk sementaraBukan untuk selama-lamanyaKekasihku jangan bersedih...Aku pergi akan kembaliKu pergi tak kan lama...Hanya 'tuk sementaraJangan bersedih...Aku akan kem.. Read »
Pernah aku mendengarSebuah lagu indahDi stasiun radio...Terkemuka di kota DjakartaLagunya lagu lamaGrup musik terkemukaDijadikan idola...Pada saat nenek masih remajaReff:Nenek pun bercerita...Grup musik yang lainnyaSaat nenek remaja...Oh alangkah indahnya.. Read »
Everybody report to the dance floor,report to the dance floorOoooooooohOoooooooohOoooooooohOooooooooh (come on)Oooooooooh (ladies and gentlemen report to the dance floor)Oooooooooh (everybody report to the dance floor)Oooooooooh (report to the dance floor.. Read »