Lirik lagu Take Me Away Barlow Girl

Barlow Girl

Pushing my way through these crowded streets Trying not to be swept away Fighting just to keep this crowd from Hiding You another day So maybe this time I'll find You And maybe this time I'll push through To see You today, today [Chorus:]Won't You take me.. Read »

Lirik lagu The Force Of Evil Barathrum


"In most of processesIn the grimoiresDemons are subordinateTo the magicianOr can beSubordinatedBut there is anotherGroup of ritualsIn which the force of evilIs master and worshippedThose connectedWith the pactWith the devilThe witches' sabbatAnd black mas.. Read »

Lirik lagu The Darkness Has Landed Barathrum


the darkness has landeda moon on the skydark coven gatheredfor the nocturnal ritea cloak on his shouldersbell and dirk in his handshigh priest of the ritualcuts the silence by chanta chamber for ritualsthe gate to the other worldsit is opened by the spell.. Read »

Lirik lagu The Blasphemer Barathrum


I'm the blasphemer - by infernal fireI'm the blasphemer - by infernal hateI'm the blasphemer - by inferno's fireI'm the blasphemer - by infernal wrathI see crimson in your bloodSnow-white is your dead skinThey told me that you were supposedly godAnd my de.. Read »

Lirik lagu Tanpa Dirimu Nfl


(*)Dengarkanlah sahabatku...Lagu ini tercipta...Hanya untukmu..........ooooKini kau pergi tinggalkan....Smua kenangan di hati....Menyisakan luka yangber arti.....Tanpa dirimu,tanpa dirimu....oooBack to (*)Reff :Tanpa dirimu... Ku sendiri...Tanpa dirimu... Read »

Lirik lagu Tak Terbalas Newdays


Takkan ku harap lagiCintamu yang memang bukan untukkuDalam hidup iniTapi kini ku sadarCinta memang tak dapat dipaksakanKepada dirimuReff:Sakit hatiku mengenang dirimuSelalu saja menepis cintakuTapi mungkinkah ku akan dapatkanPengganti yang sebaik dirimuKa.. Read »

Lirik lagu These Days Bardot


These days Some days I couldn't get up couldn't get down I'm bored of everything Somehow a little black cloud would rain over me would rain over me Someone was making me mad good turned bad and I'd lose everything To get you back just to get you back but... Read »

Lirik lagu Tak Terbalas New Days

New Days

Takkan ku harap lagiCintamu yang memang bukan untukkuDalam hidup iniTapi kini ku sadarCinta memang tak dapat dipaksakanKepada dirimuReff:Sakit hatiku mengenang dirimuSelalu saja menepis cintakuTapi mungkinkah ku akan dapatkanPengganti yang sebaik dirimuKa.. Read »