Kini terbersit rasa tuk memilikiCinta di hatimu, mungkin bahagiakuBila tiba waktunya, kau menghampiriSambutlah kasihku yang tlah ada untukmuCinta.. datang begitu saja padakuYang ada hanya indah dirimu.. di sukmakuReff : Jangan habiskan, cintamu untuknyaSi.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sometimes In Winter Blood Sweat & Tears
Sometimes in Winter I gaze into the streets and walk through snow and city sleet behind your room Sometimes in Winter forgotten memories remember you behind the trees with leaves that cried By the window once I waited for you laughing slightly you would r.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sianida The Milo
Mayangku, tergerai, jernih melambaiKerling yang kau ingin, terawat gemulaiHasratku menggema,kala pujamu lekat didadaKau masih terngiang waktu berkata,Terlanjur lebur lepas alasanJerat malaikat malamMata pualam, hangat temaram,pelukan jari, pegangan hatiKa.. Read »
Lirik lagu Somethin' Comin' On Blood Sweat & Tears
Something coming on, don't know what it is but it's getting strongerFeeling in my bones, hope you let it last a little bit longerBreaking out my head, doing things I never even dreamed ofRolling up my spine, turning on the things that'd never been turned .. Read »
Lirik lagu Somebody I Trusted Blood Sweat & Tears
Why should I worry when I know you're in love with meWhy should I care when there's joy everywhereHow can't I see the magic of the lightWhen somebody I trusted, somebody I knew quite wellSomebody I loved, reached up and turned out the lightTurn my day int.. Read »
Lirik lagu So Much Love/underture Blood Sweat & Tears
More than enough to last a whole life through and it's all for you In the midst of all my darkness baby you know you came along to guide me you took pity on a lonely man when you said you'd stand beside me I'll never forget you for what you done little gi.. Read »
Lirik lagu Smiling Phases Blood Sweat & Tears
Do yourself a favor, Wake up to your mind Life is what you make it You see, but still you're blind Get yourself together, Give before you take You'll find out the hard way, Soon you're gonna break Hey hey hey Smiling phases Showing traces Even if they bus.. Read »
Lirik lagu Same Old Blues Blood Sweat & Tears
Well I heard that rumour that's going around?You got a business, way across townIt's the same old story, tell me where does it end?Well I heard the news, it's the same old blues againWell I wrote you a letter, you must have read it wrongStood in your door.. Read »
Lirik lagu Superman The Lucky Laki
Aku bukanlah supermanAku juga bisa nangisJika kekasih hatikuPergi meninggalkan akuAyahku selalu berkata padakuLaki-laki tak boleh nangisHarus slalu kuat harus slalu tangguhHarus bisa jadi tahan bantingTapi ternyata sakitnya cintaBuat aku menangisReff:Aku .. Read »
Lirik lagu Sweet And Low Blondie
Compliments and condiments Added to the rest Sense of taste delicious Only on request Say good bye Sayonara sugar If you're so hot to go Well, hit the road Ciao Bello Sweet and low That's the way I like it Sweet and low That's the way I like it When you s.. Read »