She thinks about us every now and thenShe′ll play this song until she cries againI know my face is all you see at nightYou probably wish that you'd had done me rightThe fall has come now I′m a Rolling StoneTonight I'm here and then the other goneAnd if I'.. Read »
Lirik lagu Te Dirán La Adictiva
Te dirán que soy feliz desde que túTe largaste de mi vida y no volvisteTe dirán que festejé cuando te fuisteY te van asegurar que me perdisteTe dirán que mi sonrisa es naturalTe dirán que no me siento nada malTe dirán entre comillas la verdadJurarán que m.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Racing Rats Editors
When the time comesThat you′re no longer thereFall down to my kneesBegin my nightmareWords spill from my drunken mouthI just can't keep ′em all inI keep up with the racing ratsAnd do my best to winSlow down little oneYou can't keep running awayYou mustn't.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tko Justin Timberlake
In all, enthrilling new, living soundKill me with the coo-coochie-coochie-cooAh, she kill me with the coo-coochie-coochie-cooAh, she kill me with the coo-coochie-coochie-cooAh, she kill me with the coo-coochie-coochie-cooAh, she kill me with the coo-cooch.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tepi Sikit Sleeq
Eh, apa yang kau mahu (mahu) semua kuberi (beri)Apa yang kau mahu (mahu) mahu apa lagi?Bagaimana aku pula? Aku-a-a-aku serikJadi kuingin jalan sana tolong tepi sikitEh, apa yang kau mahu (mahu) semua kuberi (beri)Apa yang kau mahu (mahu) mahu apa lagi?Bag.. Read »
Lirik lagu Triste Balada Recycled J
Triste balada, balada, da una patada al amorTriste balada, mi carta, posdata: rencorVoy sin pancarta, solo con drama a por medio millónSu minifalda con mi rock and rollTriste balada, balada, balada (yoh)Espina clavada, fuera de mi camaLas tres y cuarenta,.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tak Sangka Yonnyboii
Dari apa yang aku perhatikanManusia mahu senangTapi tak semua mahu berkorbanDari apa yang mereka katakanAda yang jawab jujurTapi selebihnya kuat beralasanTak sangka, tak sangka, tak sangkaMereka cepat berubahTak sangka, tak sangka, tak sangkaKau hanya nak.. Read »
Lirik lagu Turn On The Lights Again.. (feat. Future) Fred Again..
Turn on the lightsTurn on the lightsThere′s things I'm goin′ throughAnd what they goin' through right now, it's likeAnd tell her I′ve been lookin′ for herAnd tell her I've been lookin′ for herAnd tell her I've been lookin′ for her(I'm lookin′ for, I'm loo.. Read »
Lirik lagu Tak'kan Ada Cinta Yang Lain Titi Dj
Haruskah kuulangi lagiKata cintaku padamuYakinkan dirimuMasihkah terlintas di dadaKeraguanmu ituSusahkan hatimuTak akan ada cinta yang lainPastinya cintaku hanyaUntukmu wo-ooPernahkah terbersit olehmuAku pun takut kehilanganDirimuIngatkah satu bait kenang.. Read »
Lirik lagu The Gift The Velvet Underground
Waldo Jeffers had reached his limit.It was now mid-August which meant that he had been separated from Marsha for more than two months.Two months, and all he had to show were three dog-eared letters and two very expensive long-distance phone calls.True, wh.. Read »