Lirik lagu Tentang Hidup Sheila On Seven

Sheila On Seven

Akhirnya semua terjadi jugaYang kutakutkan, yang kuelakkanKeresahan ini tak seharusnya terjadiSeakan jurang tercipta untuk kitaS'lalu kucoba menghangatkanmuDengan sebatang lilin ditengah badai iniAku pun tak ingin kau meredup dan membekuDan lilin ini sega.. Read »

Lirik lagu Temani Aku Sheila On Seven

Sheila On Seven

Layaknya gelap malamYang indah karna bintangWoo... Hoo... Woo...Woo... Hoo... Woo...(*)Layaknya sang penyairYang elok karna puisiWoo... Hoo... Woo...Woo... Hoo... Woo...Reff:Ah... A... A... Ah...Bagiku kau bintangAh... A... A... Ah...Selayaknya puisiTetap.. Read »

Lirik lagu Tanyaku Sheila On Seven

Sheila On Seven

Tak Pernah Ku Merasa Hawa Sehangat IniDi Dalam HidupkuKau Beri Dan Kau Bagi Semua Marah Dan CandamuKu Harap Hanya Untukku Tak Pernah Ku Hinggapi Bahagia..Seperti Ini.. Jatuh Hati..Tumbuhkan Nyaliku Tuk Nyanyikan Kepadamu.. Aku CintaSesaat Tersenyum Dan Ka.. Read »

Lirik lagu Turning Tables Shena Malsiana

Shena Malsiana

Close enough to start a warAll that I have is on the floorGod only knows what we're fighting forAll that I say, you always say moreI can't keep up with your turning tablesUnder your thumb I can't breatheSo, I won't let you close enough to hurt meNo, I won.. Read »

Lirik lagu Tusen Bitar Björn Afzelius

Björn Afzelius

Det säjs att ovan molnen är himlen alltid blå,Men det kan va' svårt att tro när man inte ser den.Och det säjs att efter regnet kommer Solen fram igen, men det hjälper sällan dom som har bli'tt våta.För när vännerna försvinner, eller kärleken tar slut, ser.. Read »

Lirik lagu (the Roof Is) On Fire Bizzy Bone

Bizzy Bone

For the Menensky tribe worldwide (will you please sing along with the old negro spiritual?)[Chorus 2x]The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.We don't need nothin' but the weed and a lighter, and a lighterIt ain't a thug those that's livin that is realer .. Read »

Lirik lagu The Dragon Biz Markie

Biz Markie

[ VERSE 1 ] Now this is a difficult subject About something that's crazy - oh, what the heck They know they have something that people don't like And they still continue to disrespect The thing I'm talkin about is an essence A foreign fragrance with a pre.. Read »

Lirik lagu T.s.r. (toilet Stool Rap) Biz Markie

Biz Markie

G-goobely-goo Ah-h-h-hm Ah yeah Now check it out I would walk into the bathroom to take a crap I sit down, and then I write me a toilet stool rap Whether I'm constipated or have diarrhea I always come out with a funky fresh idea Even if you don't think it.. Read »