Sweet Emily, my bride to beJust how long will you stand next to me?For we both know, it′s more than a loadFor you to bearIt'd break my heart but I′d understand if you'dLeave me for another man with a littleLess on his mind, less on his plateLess in his br.. Read »
Lirik lagu Para Ti Papá Luis Angel "el Flaco"
Se te nota en tu miradaQue ya estás medio cansadoDe la vidaTantos años trabajandoSolo para darnos todo día con díaSé que me amasTodo el tiempo me lo dicesSé que me extrañasTus abrazos me lo dicenSé que te sientes muy vacío si no estoyAy, me disculpas mi ′.. Read »
Lirik lagu Pengorbanan Setia Band
Kisahku kini terasa berbedaKisah yang hadir dengan tiba-tibaRasaku ingin segera ′tuk bisa memilikimuMeski tak tepat 'ku mendapatkannyaCerita mengalir begitu sajaBegitu sulit untuk aku redamMeski kutahu perasaanEngkau dan aku tak bisa lepasBiarkan ini adal.. Read »
Lirik lagu Paris Morton Music Drake
Would′ve came back for youI just needed time to do what I had to doCaught in the life, I can't let it goWhether that′s right, I will never knowHope you forgive me, never meant wrongTried to be patient, but waited too longBut I would've came back, but I wo.. Read »
Lirik lagu Positive Life Mons
Positive lifeF lekher ghayssali l′film wasst trab yeah3chiri good nightRah nassik kima nssit ch7al mn topline yeah3icha thug life ouhSa7a good bye mora l9odban ouh3icha thug life ouhSa7a good bye mora l9odbanPositive lifeF lekher ghayssali l'film wasst tr.. Read »
Lirik lagu Peroxide Ecco2k
(True friend)At the bus stop, crushing rocks(Crush, crush, crush, crush, c-c-crush, crush)They all stare at me, I don′t care at all(Oh my god, fuck you)Everywhere I go, they look at me wrong(What, what the fuck are you looking at?)Every day go the same, g.. Read »
Lirik lagu Parade Chaba
風が吹いて 痛い 消えない想い何を持って行こうか 集めてひとつ二度とない 二度とない 捨てるなんて馬鹿みたい無邪気になって イメージきっとそれは終わらない...きっとそれは終わらない...愛の胸 焦がせ 千の夢 渡れ縦横無尽 駆けて 手に掴む世界雲がちぎれて 日がまたおちてひとりのパレードが 動きだす冒険 吉日 心拍 上昇 明暗 遭遇 生命 相愛もしも言ってしまうなら あなたの髪を嗅いで吸って もっと 寄せ合う言葉ワカラナイ ワカラナイ うわべだけじゃわからないだからもっと深くしたい したいなんて夢みたい.. Read »
Lirik lagu Perfect One Direction
I might never be your knight in shining armourI might never be the one you take home to motherAnd I might never be the one who brings you flowersBut I can be the one, be the one tonightWhen I first saw you from across the roomI could tell that you were cu.. Read »
Lirik lagu Primera Y Última Vez Alejandra Guzman
Crees que es fácil mentirle a un mentirosoReconozco los ojos de un tramposoSi el río suenaEs que lleva piedrasPiensas que me estás viendo la caraElegiste la mujer equivocadaTe sientes loboY eres ovejaLas reglas aquí las rompo yoMi sexto sentido no fallóPr.. Read »
Lirik lagu Punani 6ix9ine
Nasty, nasty, nastyNasty, nasty, nasty, yeahShake it, fat punani-nani, fat punani-naniThat tsunami-nami, that tsunami-namiFat punani-nani, fat punani-naniThat tsunami-nami, that tsunami-nami (Jah, ayy, you know that boy)Fat punani-nani, fat punani-naniTha.. Read »