Lirik lagu Asap Bardot


ASAP, ASAPI'm so tired of creepin' aroundI'm walking on eggshellsLike a thief in the nightSneaking in and out of your houseSee, your momma don't like meI admit that I'm no angelBut I treat her with respectStill she don't careBaby, believe meMy patience is.. Read »

Lirik lagu Ada Deh Neona


Ayo semua kita have funSenang senang tapi harus tetep sopanAyo semua kita eksisSeru seruan asal tau aturanHello world, its me againNeona right here is in the houseAku punya cerita dengerinDear haters ow ow my GoshGa usah pake dramaIni itu dikomen meluluNg.. Read »

Lirik lagu A Quiet Thing Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streisand

When it all comes trueJust the way you plannedIt's funny but the bells don't ringIt's a quiet thingWhen you hold the world In your trembling handYou think you'd hear a choir singingBut it's a quiet thingThere are no exploding fireworksWhere's the boring o.. Read »

Lirik lagu Aku Pergi Nemo Band

Nemo Band

Siapa bilang akuTak bisa terlukaAku juga manusiaPasti bisa menangisTahukah dirimuKau sakiti akuNamun kau tak peduliApalah dirikuIngin hati tuk pergiMeninggalkan kamuTapi ku punya cintaYang selalu untukmuTapi kini berbedaSemua tak beratiKita tak seperti du.. Read »

Lirik lagu A Man I Loved Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streisand

I'll tell you a story 'Bout a man that I loved He lives in the sky In the clouds above He knows every river Every mountain and stream He's a gentleman, I tell you, That lives in my dream If you don' t believe What I say is true Maybe someday he will happe.. Read »