Lirik lagu Sorry Crazy Town

Crazy Town

I'm sorry, I'm not what you are, so sorry, the ugly of it all, all my life, I was beneath you, it's all my fault please forgive me, maybe I could change, maybe I could try, maybe I could, but then again.... [CHORUS]Why would I want to, lie like you, thiev.. Read »

Lirik lagu Skulls And Stars Crazy Town

Crazy Town

Chorus:I was a skull in the groundnow I'm a star in the skyI went from crawling aroundto being able to flySaw no future for meuntil I opened my eyesI was a skull in the groundnow I'm a star in the skyI tried love, heaven, hope and taking chancesAnd all I .. Read »

Lirik lagu Sans S'abîmer Cox


Accroche, décroche les motsSe collent, au corps, à la peauJe me soigne à l'idéeQu'un beau jour tu pourraisPanser toutes mes blessuresMes cicatrices saturentJe me soigne à l'idéeQu'un beau jour je pourraisGuérir, ne plus y penserAux plaies que tu m'as sign.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sang Militant Cox


Peux-tu me réveillerJ'ai dû perdre conscienceLe monde peut s'écrouler Je n'sais plus le défendreLa planète se défaitJe la regarde se fendrePeux-tu me réveillerJ'n'y arrive pas seulIl faudrait que tu me donnesQuand la force m'abandonneUn peu de sang milita.. Read »

Lirik lagu Stars Crazyness


Everyday walkin down the street,fell the pavement below my feet.You and your sky blue eyes,Lift me off of the ground eeyeahCan it be what I want it to be,will the concept of you and meHave wings to go up and fly,you the one that catches my eye(CHORUS.. Read »

Lirik lagu Set Free Craig's Brother

Craig's Brother

I guess there's only one place to go from here I think the options are clear anyway I'm sure you're tired of waiting for me To figure out where you fit in I guess I'm afraid of what we could be Cause I don't want to sell you short of your dreams I'm sorry.. Read »