Lirik lagu Pange Lingua Mocedades


Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysteriumsanguinisque pretiosi quem in mundi pretiumfructus ventris generosi rex effudit gentium. Nobis datus nobis natus ex intacta virgineet en mundi conversatus sparso verbi seminesui moras incolatus miro clausit ordine. .. Read »

Lirik lagu Plane Crash Moe


Up in the sky It's a bird, It's a planeYea, it's a plane.I'm not afraid to fly,I'm not afraid,Yea, I guess I'm afraid.Fear is a good thing,It teaches us humility,And it can keep us sane.So I'll fly high if I have to,If I could, I'd take the train.Livin' a.. Read »

Lirik lagu Party Mltr


Standing in the barchecking out each othereach and everyonecooler than the otherthis is a place where everything is madnessDancing on the chairshanging on each othereach and every girlsweeter than the othermusic so loud that we have to drink our brains ou.. Read »

Lirik lagu Paint My Love Mltr


From my youngest yearstill this moment hereI've never seensuch a lovely queenFrom the skies aboveto the deepest loveI've never feltcrazy like this before Chorus:Paint my loveyou should paint my loveit's the picture of a thousand sunsetsit's the freedom of.. Read »

Lirik lagu Porcelain Moby


In my dreams I'm dying all the time As I wake its kaleidoscopic mind I never meant to hurt you I never meant to lie So this is goodbye This is goodbye Tell the truth you never wanted me Tell me In my dreams I'm jealous all the time As I wake I'm going out.. Read »

Lirik lagu Pablo Picasso Modern Lovers

Modern Lovers

well,some people try to pick up girlsand get called an assholethis never happened to pablo picassohe could walk down your streetand girls could not resist to stareand so pablo picasso was never called an assholewell, the girls would turn the colour of avo.. Read »

Lirik lagu Potverdekke Mister John

Mister John

Potverdekke! It´s great to be a Belgian!I´m not English, I´m not French and I´m not Dutch,I´m not Spanish, Portuguese or German,I´m a Belgian so thank you very much! As I walk along the street, with my mayonnaise and frites,You can tell I´m as happy as ca.. Read »

Lirik lagu Priscilla Miranda Lambert

Miranda Lambert

We look we got it made, don't we?Permanent accessoryOn their arms and always on their mindsRings, we gotta wear the real big ringsBig smiles like figurinesBig hair for the real big kindWhen they turn it on and slick back their hairWe turn around and the w.. Read »