Lirik lagu Soy El Chivi El Chivi

El Chivi

Soy un pervertido, soy un pervertido, cuando menos te lo esperas ya te la he metido,Soy un depravado, soy un depravado, cuando menos te lo esperas ya te la he sacado,Soy el chivi, me gusta el sexo oral, me gusta el sado, sufrir violencia anal por un castr.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sakrileg 11 Eisbrecher


Küss michdamit ich nichts sagen mussHalt michund dann mach mit mir SchlussIch weiß nicht wie undwieso es mit uns abwärts gehtEs gibt noch viel für mich zu tun dochdu stehst mir im wegGanz egal was du auch tustEgal was du auch sagstEgal was dich bewegtEgal.. Read »

Lirik lagu Still Breathing Duran Duran

Duran Duran

Home, it's not brick or stoneOr comfort in the firelight,Not in that sense anyway.Dreams, if only I had knownBut these things always seemSo much clearer at a distance.I'm walking out of this townI'm never going back there,I'm never going back there.I'd bu.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sacala El Chivi

El Chivi

Tengo un pequeño problemaatengo la picha muy grandeey cuando estoy con mi noviala cosa se pone ke ardeella me dice mimosaaméteme solo la puntaayo que soy listo contestootoma vaselina y untaay mi chorvi en pleno actoal oído me susurra:sacala sacala sacala .. Read »

Lirik lagu Starting To Remember Duran Duran

Duran Duran

How to begin do I shed a skin? Now that I am starting to remember It takes a while But you find a way to open up the door Let demons walk Now that I am starting to remember Can't change my world I was happy ever after Was it only yesterday? That I bought .. Read »

Lirik lagu Sound Of Thunder Duran Duran

Duran Duran

I've been in this grass here for the last 10 hoursMy clothes are dirty but my mouth isn't dryHow does it happen?Does it fly through the air?Oh I gave up asking days awayI gave up askingDays awayAnd now I'm lying here waiting for the Sound of ThunderWaitin.. Read »