I can't get my feet up off the edgeAku tak bisa beranjak dari keramaian iniI kinda like the little rush you getAku suka gejolak yang kamu rasakanWhen you're standing close to deathSaat kamu berdiri di ambang kematianLike when you're driving me crazySepert.. Read »
Lirik lagu After Midnight Blink 182
I can't get my feet up off the edgeI kinda like the little rush you getWhen you're standing close to deathAnd you're driving me crazyHold on as we crash into the earthA bit of pain will help you suffer when you're hurt, for realWhen you're driving me craz.. Read »
Lirik lagu Adam's Song Dan Terjemahan Blink 182
I never thought I'd die aloneTak pernah kukira aku kan mati seorang diriI laughed the loudest who'd have known?Aku tertawa terbahak-bahak, memangnya siapa yang tahu?I trace the cord back to the wallKutelusur kabel sampai ke dindingNo wonder it was never p.. Read »
Lirik lagu Adam's Song Blink 182
I never thought I'd die aloneI laughed the loudest who'd have known?I traced the cord back to the wallno wonder it was never plugged in at allI took my time, I hurried upThe choice was mine I didn't think enoughI'm too depressed to go onYou'll be sorry wh.. Read »
Lirik lagu Action Dan Terjemahan Blink 182
(Get ready for action!)(Bersiap-siap beraksi!)I got to regret right now (I'm feeling this)Aku harus menyesal sekarang (aku rasakan ini)The air is so cold and low (I'm feeling this)Udara sangat dingin dan rendah (aku rasakan ini)Let me go in her room (I'm .. Read »
Lirik lagu Action Blink 182
I got to regret right now (I'm feeling this)The air is so cold and null (I'm feeling this)let me go in her room (I'm feeling this)I love all the things you do (I'm feeling this)Show me the way to bed (I'm feeling this)Show me the way you move (I'm feeling.. Read »
Lirik lagu Acoustic Bonus Track Blink 182
I'm Sick of always hearingAll the sad songe on the radioAll day it is there to remindAn oversensetive guyThat he's lost and alone (Yeah)I hate our favorite restaurantOur favorite movie, our favorite showWe would stay up all through the nightWe would laugh.. Read »
Lirik lagu Aku Tak Biasa Syahrini
Mungkin diriku harus pergiSelamanya darimuAtau ku harus mengakhiriCinta ini kepadamuKini cinta ku telah kau bagiTak sanggup aku menghadapi semua iniReff:Aku tak biasa bila tiada kau di sisikuAku tak biasa bila ku tak mendengar suaramuAku tak biasa bila ta.. Read »
Lirik lagu A New Hope Dan Terjemahan Blink 182
I've got her in my headAku memikirkannyaAt night when I go to bedSaat malam ketika aku beranjak tidurAnd I know it sounds lame, butDan aku tahu kedengarannya tak masuk akal, tapiShe's the girl of my dreamsDialah gadis yang kuimpikanAnd of course I'd do an.. Read »
Lirik lagu Aku Pergi Syahrini
**Kini waktu untuk berdiri sendiriMengejar mimpi tanpa bayangmuUsah sepi ku nikmati kesendiriankuTanpa cemas sambut pagiReff :Aku pergiTak kembali lagiMelupakanmuMenggapai mimpiBack to **.. Read »