Lirik lagu Millstone Brand New

Brand New

I used to be such a burning example,I used to be so original.I used to care, I was being careful.Made sure I showed it to those that I love.I used to sleep without a single stir,'Cause I was about my father's work.Well Take me out tonight,The ship of fool.. Read »

Lirik lagu Me Vs. Maradona Vs. Elvis Brand New

Brand New

after one or two i get used to the roomwe go slow when we first make our movesby five or six i'll bring you out to the carby number nine with my head on the barand it's sad but true out of cash and iou'si got desperate desires, and unadmirable plansmy ton.. Read »

Lirik lagu Magazines Brand New

Brand New

Laetitia, you destroy me, so I can see why I feel so lonelywhen you and me could be forever perfectly perfect together.I know.Broken down in my dead bedroom, stuttering to pictures of you.I'm sure that you can always see me.I saw you staring through the T.. Read »

Lirik lagu Masa Lalu Zizan


Derai tetesan air mataKu rasa kini kering sudahMeratapi masa lalukuYang tak berpihak kepadakuKini engkau ada dimanaKu tak tahu apa kabarmuMungkinkah nanti ku temui dirimuYang aku cintaiTertulis kisah cerita kitaBegitu indah masa lalukuDia menangis dipeluk.. Read »

Lirik lagu Mata-mata Harimu Ziva Magnolya

Ziva Magnolya

Ku terpakuMemandangmuMeskipun kau tak di depankuKu menungguAdakah dirimu hadir lagi di harikuMelihat senyum yang bukan untukkuCukup buatku merasa di dekatmuAku rinduMeskipun kamu belum tahu namakuKau buat kuhabiskan detik harikuTuk menjadi mata-mataDi har.. Read »

Lirik lagu Merah Putih Hatiku Zigaz


dalam hening di kala senjaindonesiaku tercintamengingat jerih payah para pejuangsemua demi engkau ibu pertiwimari putra bangsa kobarkanlahsemangat juangmu demi indonesiamari putra bangsa kibarkanlahmerah putih selalu di hatimuku pijak tanah tiada goyahind.. Read »

Lirik lagu More Shopping Bran Van 3000

Bran Van 3000

Momus :Moloch passed the message to the BehemothWhose master passed it on to ZebedeeIt was sent by Internet, by obscure protocolsTo its recipient, the delicious Miss Gee Miss Gee :It was early afternoon when your message cameI was slumped under the table,.. Read »

Lirik lagu Montreal Bran Van 3000

Bran Van 3000

I think I love to watch you laughingIn fact I love to watch you do anythingAnd yes I do feel this thing happeningBut you'll have to excuse me girl'Cause my taxi's waitingAlthough I do Yes I doI love you in my own twisted waysOne day God walked on old Moun.. Read »