Vengo de tanto perderQue tuve miedo a tenerAlgo por lo que abrirMi alma y ponerla a tus pies Siento del viento celos,Por acariciar tu cara cada mañanaY quiero pegarme con él Y a pesar de todo Que difícil esQue no me duela estar sin tiYo seré tu aireTú ser.. Read »
Lirik lagu Stay Young Maisie Peters
I wanna say it like Simon wouldCause I was listening this morningOn my own thinking if I couldI'd be Kathy and make this bus a greyhoundAnd this sun would always stay downAnd there would be so much time for usTime for usMy hands out, I wanna throw my card.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sä Et Tiedä Mitään Maija Vilkkumaa
Mä olen arka ja yksinäinenlikomärkä ja viheliäinenmut en huijaa, niin kuin sinä, mä en huijaaMä katon pihalta suoraan teillesä juttelet sun kavereilleja ne nauraa, sä puhut taas ja ne nauraaJa niin sä oot tyyni ja raukeekatot ikkunasta onnellisena hymyill.. Read »
Lirik lagu Satumaa-tango Maija Vilkkumaa
Odota hiljaa, pistä silmät kiimulla on vaikutusvaltaa ja yhteyksiä poliisiinyö on ahdas, meri höyryääsä olet röyhkeä ja rietas, sut täytyy hiljentääälä sano mitään, mua ei kiinnostamä luen sun päiväkirjat, vien sinut vankilaanmulla on koti siellä mistä nä.. Read »
Lirik lagu Soldier Of The Line Magnum
Soldier of the line how does it feelYou're far away from home polishing steelThe sun moves in between the mountain and skyAs dawn puts out its fingers splitting them wideSoldier of the line what do you knowAbout the other side, they never showThey must be.. Read »
Lirik lagu Svordomsvisan Magnus Och Brasse
Din satansatandu din satans, helvetes jävla skit!(Din jävla skit)Bonnlurk, läbbiga skurk, ynkliga parasit.Pottsork, snuskiga snork, din ruttna rot, din fulla kork.Avskum, spattig och krum, du är så jävla dum.Ditt usla gam, din slemmige torsk, förnicklade,.. Read »
Lirik lagu Supagloo Magic Dirt
You said we'd stay togetherYou said no matter whateverYou said we'd stay togetherAnd you told me just to rememberThat I stick to youLike supaglooIt doesn't matter you're no professorYou don't have to try to impress herYou're in love and it's hard to confe.. Read »
Lirik lagu Smoulder Magic Dirt
When I travelI unravelYou come out suffocatingIn the morningI try and solve itYou come out suffocatingI can twist itI can't resist itYou come out suffocatingOn your shoulderYou can smoulderYou come out suffocatingYou come out suffocatingSuffocatingYou com.. Read »
Lirik lagu Stick To Your Vision Maestro Fresh Wes
Maestro Yo brothers ain't seen what I seen in this game son Been in this game a long long long time Still strivin' though Yo ninety nine It's the visine baby it's the visine Yo I build with Israelites Rastafarians God bodies F o y sony Muslims T.. Read »
Lirik lagu Stick To Your Vision Maestro
Maestro Yo, brothers ain't seen what I seen in this game son Been in this game a long, long, long time Still strivin' though Yo, ninety nine It's the visine baby, it's the visine Yo I b.. Read »