Hear now this story of the man that should not beA ghoul of blackened torment, sullen atrocityA kindred soul to the devils own, malignance personifiedCast from his fire he molests the purest lightProfaner to humanity menaced by flesh and boneScreams of th.. Read »
Lirik lagu Valley Forge Iced Earth
Close your eyes and imaginethe soldier at Valley ForgeThe suffering that he endured was realstarvation, total war.Yet in has eyes the iron will to winand for the cause, he won't relent[Chorus]Would he look upon us nowin anger and disgust?His politics a bi.. Read »
Lirik lagu Vår Kärlek Hilary Duff
REF:För oss e kärlek nåt riktigt sött(riktigt sött) en vacker dimma av rosa och rött(rosa o rött).min mage den pirrar,mitt hjärta de bankar,o det beror på att du finns i mina tankar.Jag vill bilda kärlek till sammans med dig hoppas du känner likadant för .. Read »
Lirik lagu Viva La White Girl Gym Class Heroes
Fame, fourtune, platinum records. Its evey boys dream. True story. Somebody asked me one time. Travie, you high. You look high. Shit, Yeah Im high. Lets go. The world is yours, so play the role. Blow the dust off this record and put the needle down slow. .. Read »
Lirik lagu Velvet Moon Iron Rain
Sardonic ©2001 FAC Productions You've been into another time Dancing fairies all in a line Sets a kind of emotional rule Flittering hearts will make the fool We stand before Mother June under the velvet moon Seeking that final tune under the velvet moon F.. Read »
Lirik lagu Vaya Con Dios (may God Be With You) Hank Snow
Now the hacienda's dark the town is sleepingNow the time has come to part the time for weepingVaya con dios my darling vaya con dios my loveNow the village mission bells are softly ringingIf you listen with your heart you'll hear them singingVaya con dios.. Read »
Lirik lagu Video India
Sometimes I shave my legs and sometimes I don'tSometimes I comb my hair and sometimes I won'tDepend of how the wind blows I might even paint my toesIt really just depends on whatever feels good in my soulChorusI'm not the average girl from your videoAnd I.. Read »
Lirik lagu Violent Saint Ill Nino
For now there's no redeeming,Self-conscience all-consuming,All day my rage is burning,These scars I wear I'm bearing.Untie the reasonsThat keep me restrained.This is the season,The season of hate.So!I fear in no-one,Nothing can touch me.For lack of more f.. Read »
Lirik lagu Veni Vidi Vici Imperio
Aaaah Aaaaah… Veni vidi vici Yeah yeah I've got to let, I've got, I've got to let, I've got, I've got to let you take control I've got to let, I've got, I've got to let, I've got, I've got to let you take control Veni vidi vici Veni vidi vici Veni vidi vi.. Read »
Lirik lagu Vitutuksen Multihuipennus Impaled Nazarene
Synnyin tappamaan, aiheuttamaan tuhoaTuottamaan tuskaa, moderni messiasKylv?n kuolemaa, sadonkorjuun aikaRaiskaan ja kidutan, moderni messiasHaudattuani teid?t vedin k?teen ja huusin ett? olen jumala!Lopunalku l?henee, viikatteeni heiluuP?it? putoilee ja .. Read »