Lirik lagu Berai Sheila On Seven

Sheila On Seven

Terlambatkah tepati janjiSaat kau melangkah 'tuk pergiYakinkah ini semua, yang telah kita binaTerjaga oleh kelamDan terimbas dengan seram **Kau kemasi kasih sayangmuBergegas ambil langkah senduYakinlah ini semua, yang harus kita rasaTerjaga oleh kelam Dan.. Read »

Lirik lagu Best Shot With Jaymes Young Birdy


When you're on your own and you feel lostWhen your heart's a mess though you've given your bestI'll be here giving it my best shot, baby, your love's got more than I needHere crying from the rooftopsNothing can stop us if we believeHere giving it my best .. Read »

Lirik lagu Bapak Bapak Sheila On Seven

Sheila On Seven

Bapak-bapak ku cinta anakmuJangan kau halangi akuBapak-bapak cobalah mengertiiAnakmu cinta padakuBapak-bapak pasti ingin yang terbaikJadi pemimpin anakmuBapak-bapak ijinkan aku berlari'Tuk meraih buah hatimuAku pria seperti dirimuSuatu waktu butuh pendamp.. Read »

Lirik lagu Beautiful Lies Birdy


Beautiful liesCover my eyes with your handsJust pretend we're betterTurn out the lightThere are no more surprises to comeLet's be numb togetherThe world's so fast and nothing lastsLet's save it while we canCause I want to be foreverLike smoke in the airFl.. Read »

Lirik lagu Business Biohazard


I'm fed up, I've had it up to thereTell me what is good for me and my careerFuck you and your selfish adviceYou've never been loyal to the same things twiceIn your sheltered little lives, you don't know the sceneDoing as you're told, puppets of the big ma.. Read »

Lirik lagu Breakdown Biohazard


Unjustified, persecution of my free mind.I'm horrified, the cruel nature of you and your kindCrucified for just trying to be myself.Suicide, I'd rather die than live in your hell.I will not break, I will not bend,I will not go quietly, I will never bow do.. Read »

Lirik lagu Buat Ku Tersenyum Sheila On 7

Sheila On 7

Datanglah sayang, dan biarkan ku berbaringDi pelukan mu, walaupun untuk sejenakUsaplah dahiku, dan kan kukatakan semuaBila ku lelah tetaplah di siniJangan tinggalkan aku sendiriBila kumarah biarkan ku bersandarJangan kau pergi untuk menghindarRasakan resa.. Read »