My eyes are arid and cold on a portrait's insides. I am time-hardened wax and I can see wide! Fungus and frost have fondled my frontside and I- Did he wonder and wander in small ages? Did he forget that I died? He's older and ugly and a beautiful baby, he.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dreaming Of You (terjemahan) Cigarettes After Sex
Lagu dari Cigarettes After Sex ini berhasil dirilis pada tahun 2012 lalu. Yuk mari kita simak lirik dan arti terjemahan dibawah ini. Seen you from afarMelihatmu dari jauhWondered who you arePenasaran siapa kamuWondered what you're likePenasaran seperti ap.. Read »
Lirik lagu Don't Let Me Go (terjemahan) Cigarettes After Sex
Lagu dari Cigarettes After Sex ini berhasil dirilis pada tahun 2019 lalu. Yuk mari kita simak lirik dan arti terjemahan dibawah ini. [Verse 1]When I was young, I thought the world of youKetika aku masih muda, aku memikirkan duniamuYou were all that I want.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dias De Dolores Cifuentes
Los días negros quedaron atráspero los grises pronto llegarány tengo miedo de que me dejes solo en el miedo, sin arropary sienta fríoLos días verdes quedaron atrásy los azules están al llegary tengo miedo de queuna marea me inunde, sin avisary siento frío.. Read »
Lirik lagu Distance (terjemahan) Christina Perri
The sun is filling up the roomMatahari memenuhi ruanganAnd I can hear you dreamingDan bisa kudengar mimpimuDo you feel the way I do right now?Apakah kau rasakan yang kini kurasa?I wish we would just give upAndai saja kita mau menyerahCause the best part i.. Read »
Lirik lagu Distance Christina Perri
The sun is filling up the roomAnd I can hear you dreamingDo you feel the way I do right now?I wish we would just give upCause the best part is fallingCall it anything but loveAnd I will make sure to keep my distanceSay "I love you" when you're not listeni.. Read »
Lirik lagu Driving Home For Christmas Chris Rea
I'm driving home for christmasOh, I can't wait to see those facesI'm driving home for christmas, yeaWell I'm moving down that lineAnd it's been so longBut I will be thereI sing this songTo pass the time awayDriving in my carDriving home for christmasIt's .. Read »
Lirik lagu Daydream (terjemahan) Christina Perri
Finally your time has comeAkhirnya, waktumu pun tibaNow's my chance to turn and runInilah kesempatanku untuk berpaling dan berlariLike I always doSeperti yang selalu kulakukanBuild a story in my headKubangun cerita di benakkuIt was love before we metDulu .. Read »
Lirik lagu Daydream Christina Perri
Finally your time has comeNow's my chance to turn and runLike I always doBuild a story in my headIt was love before we metHappy, with my idea with youStay where you arePlease don't break my heartLove you in my daydreamDon't open your mouth, open your mout.. Read »
Lirik lagu D Way Yo Luk At Me Christian Bautista
INTRONo one ever saw me like you doAll the things that I could up toI never knew just what a smile was worthBut your eyes say everything without a single wordCHORUS'Cause there's somethin' in the way you look at meIt's as if my heart knows you're the miss.. Read »