Oh, you think it's right when you see the reaction some say a small sacrifice, yeah oh, but the consequence of your actions hold a much higher price coz what is going on is just a slower wrong Joe's re-blinded by a smile on a different face and what is go.. Read »
Lirik lagu Frantic Disembowelment Cannibal Corpse
Intestines exposedBy violent thrustsThe innards removesDissecting the gutsTo rip through the skinTissue and muscleCartilage shreadingDraining blood vesselsFrenzied hackingMorals lackingEviscerateLife is gone before my eyesFlesh matters the mostWhen splatt.. Read »
Lirik lagu Force Fed Broken Glass Cannibal Corpse
Flesh starts to ripGouging through skinFrom the throatBlood gushesGlandular eruptionBlistered skin secretionInternal puncturesBlood regurgitationGagging, choking, on broken glassShredded muscle tissueWounds too deep to healSevered esophagusTongue split in.. Read »
Lirik lagu Festering In The Crypt Cannibal Corpse
Eyes tied tight foreverMouth wired shut foreverBody parts dissever. You will see no moreNever....Lowerd into the groundYou will never hear another soundIn your coffin you are bound. UndergroundForeverTo the earth you're now enslaved, to the creatures long.. Read »
Lirik lagu F***ed With A Knife Cannibal Corpse
F***ED WITH A KNIFE.No Escape From Your FateDestined To Be MineEvery Night I Wait To SeeIn The Dark, WatchingStalking Your Every MoveI Know When You're All AloneAll Alone.Tied Tight To The BedLegs Spread OpenBruised Flesh, LacerationsSkin Stained With Blo.. Read »
Lirik lagu Fuori Dal Tunnel Caparezza
Sono fuori dal tunnel Del divertimento,Sono fuori dal tunnel Del divertimento,Quando esco di casa e mi annoiosono molto contento,Quando esco di casa e mi annoiosono molto più contento...Di te che spendi stipendi stipato in posti stupendi Tra culi su cubi .. Read »
Lirik lagu Fuck The Violenza Caparezza
C'é chi provoca per provocare liti, sotterra dinamiti sotto i culi dei tipi miti, sono banditi banditi dagli educati, insulti infuocati sparati da 'sti complessati e c'é che tu sei la mira, c'é che ti prendono alle spalle, c'é che c'é una tribù di bulli c.. Read »
Lirik lagu Follie Preferenziali Caparezza
Povero Dio tirato in ballo dagli uomini, ma che religioni, Sono questioni da economi, questi omini minimizzano rombi di bolidi, boom, Fanno sempre i loro porci comodi, nel nome del Padre figli che si fanno invalidi, senti solo alibi squallidi, danno ragio.. Read »
Lirik lagu Fuel Cantatonia
Go tell the captain there's no waters left to navigate They sailed them all for youGo tell the engine room 'stop stokin up the fire'We're out of fuelDoom looms large on my horizonMountain toxic, river poisonFools get votes in a democracyWe'll build you ri.. Read »
Lirik lagu For Tinkerbell Cantatonia
Forgive me if I seemTo be impatient and obsceneIt's just bad luck to fall so flatAnd hear the voices shouting backTinkerbell should have waited before turning on the TV showTinkerbell should have waited before turning on the TV showAs orange buffoons danc.. Read »