Lirik lagu Suddenly Soraya


a thousand eyes looking at me but yours is the look that goes rightthrough me and icannot hide from your stareshould i let you in - do i daresome other hands have tried beforebut yours is the touch that makes mewant more and icannot hide the urgencyto hav.. Read »

Lirik lagu Stay Awhile Soraya


as they were being said i wished those words weredead they grow and grow and grow in our headsthey linger, linger and haunt us days on endit was all in a moment of anger these daggers that i threwthey're still deeply embedded into youi swear i fear there'.. Read »

Lirik lagu Shadowsphere I Sopor Aeternus

Sopor Aeternus

This is a sad day here in the world of shadesbut even pain has its own beautyeven pain can perform a lovely face.Blinding stream, double-edged,in an extra-terrestrial gloom, beautiful creation of steel grown in my barren womb...They way into the light w.. Read »

Lirik lagu Schwarzer Spiegel Sopor Aeternus

Sopor Aeternus

Weit fort von jedem bekannten Land,hinter den Grenzen, in Steine gebannt...dort ruht ein Geheimnis von dunkler Macht,welches jedem, der's sah, grosses unglück gebracht.Dort, verschlossen in tiefstem Gestein,hinter der Brücke aus bleichem Gebein,über dem S.. Read »