Lirik lagu Banner Of Blasfemy Agathodaimon


Trei cruci de lemn, trei cruci enorme de lemnVopsite cu trei culori, pãzesc pe marginea soseleiFîntîna celor... crediciosi!Trei cruci pe marginea soselei cu gesturi largi de mîini bolnaveOpresc din drum pe cãlãtori si parcã-s trei spînzurãtoriDe care atîr.. Read »

Lirik lagu Back Into The Shadows Agathodaimon


In the night of my final sacrifice I sent my soulInto the vast and fathomless unknown to find a wordA word, that indicates the beyond.It came back later and spoke:"I am myself heaven and hell!"Sculptured in time as another chapter of lifeSharp are the tho.. Read »

Lirik lagu Bayang-bayang Bhaskara


Kisah tak akan datangdan terulang lagiCatatan keciltuk gores-gores hariBayangan pahit dan manispunya arti sendiriHidup ini ceritayang tak pernah matiBayang-bayang sayang (2x)Muluknya kata serasa punya kuasakenyataan seakan prasangka semataWalau mata hati .. Read »

Lirik lagu Bendera Kuning Betrayer


Kemarin pagi dia masih bicaraDan dia berkata d'oakanlah dirikuAku tak tahu apa maksud katanyaTernyata kini dia telah tiadaMeninggalkan duniaTuk pergi selamanyaMenghadap yang kuasaKembali ke asalnyaBendera kuning dengan jenazahIkut menangis bersamaBunga ka.. Read »

Lirik lagu Bubar Bertrand Antolin

Bertrand Antolin

Hancur, bagian dalam hatikusaat aku melihatnyakamu bersamanyalangsunghilang kamu yang kucintayang paling dalam ku punyasaat itu juga(*)Mungkin ini cara yang terbaikuntuk kita bubar,tak perlu lagi kita bicaracukup sudah kumelihatnyasudah sangat menyiksaku(.. Read »

Lirik lagu Burning Bridges Against Me!

Against Me!

I saw you burn down every bridge. Turn your back on everything, leave all illusions behind. Leave the chains of childhood in the past. Destroying the ideas the imprison the mind. Burning Bridges never to indulge in self-deceit again. Who's kidding who whe.. Read »

Lirik lagu Beginning In An Ending Against Me!

Against Me!

Every day has a beginning and ending,Just like every life has a start and finishJuly is gone like the gasoline It took to make the circle again.Florida to Florida, by the way of AmericaCocaine and soda, playing Tetris in our underwearWe take turns reading.. Read »

Lirik lagu Baby, I'm An Anarchist! Against Me!

Against Me!

Through the best of times,Through the worst of times,Through Nixon and through Bush,Do you remember '36?We went our seperate ways.You fought for Stalin.I fought for freedom.You believe in authority.I believe in myself.I'm a molotov cocktail.You're Dom Per.. Read »