Lirik lagu By My Side Junny


난 네 거니까우리 둘 사이엔비밀은 없기로 해시간이 지나도너와 나 사이가지금 같길 기도해I′m deep in love with you너와 나란히 누우면천장이 사라지는듯해내 곁에 stay right by my sideAnd let me teach you how to loveWith you I just can't get enough, oh girl그래 나도 너와 같아이 무심한 한 마디면난 모든 걸 다 가지는 걸Just know you′re a part of .. Read »

Lirik lagu Best Friend Yelawolf


Ain′t never been much of the church typeBut I believe in the last daysI walk through hell almost every nightBut I believe it's a pathwaySay boy, what you doin′ with your lifeWith those tattoos on your face?Say boy, you know that you'll pay the priceWell, .. Read »

Lirik lagu Bebaskan Diriku Armada


Lama sudah kupendam iniLama sudah ku makan hati menghadapimuIni semua tentang dirimuTentang caramu (Tentang caramu) memperlakukankuTak sadarkah kau selama ini?Bukan cuma hati yang kau sakiti juga hidupkuDiriku ini pasanganmu bukannya musuhmuTak perlu kau .. Read »

Lirik lagu Bloqué Fally Ipupa

Fally Ipupa

AigleFrappeTout le monde les bras en l′airAllé pepaPepaPepaUhm, pepaEhAfrican James Bond, Didier Drogba, DrogbatitudeSalutPresnel KimpembeEl Hadji DioufRigobert Song, coachAllons-y, on a peur de rienOn est confiants (ouais)Et moi j'ai un mental d′acierCom.. Read »

Lirik lagu Bala Ma Nhess Abeer Nehme

Abeer Nehme

خَوفي قلّك شو بحِسّلكو نبطّل أصحابو تبرم فينا الدنيي فجأةو نصَفّي أغرابخَوفي قلّك شو بحِسّلكو نبطّل أصحابو تبرم فينا الدنيي فجأةو نصَفّي أغرابإحساس خايفة منّوو سنين عم ببعُد عنّوواليوم قلبي حاسس بدّو يقول بحبّك بسمعقول قلبي اتأخّراللي بيني وبَينَك نخسرو ا.. Read »

Lirik lagu Behute Senidah


Za tebe pevam pesmeZa tebe oblačim zvezdeZa tebe telo zebe, ah, moj BehuteBez tebe suze mi sestreBez tebe ne vidim cesteMoje sunce, moj mesec, ah, moj BehuteMeni sve uradi toJer niko ne zna kao tiPrevari dan, ukradi noćBehute, ah, BehutеMeni sve uradi toJ.. Read »

Lirik lagu By My Side Honne


You were there every timeEvery time that I needed a shoulderAnd you kept me warmWhen my world grew darker and colderYou gave your strengthWhen mine had goneAnd I could not go onWhere were you whenI hurt the most?Where were you whenI needed hope?I needed y.. Read »

Lirik lagu Best For You Slchld


I always end up cryin′ just to make upWhy I always gotta be the one to hold on?I know you're growing tiredIf you want, I′ll let go, now's the timeThere were times when I was home aloneWondering where you've gone and ISometimes stay awake until you came in.. Read »

Lirik lagu Blue Tequila Tao


Hai tequila như mọi khi trong tuầnNhạc bật Frank Sinatra nhưng mà tôi không cầnBuồn phiền từ đâu lao đến đây vây quanhMệt nhoài cùng tôi đang nắm tayEm ra ban công vô tình đi ngang quầyHình như em đang say sau vài ly vang đầyTình cờ đời ta va lấy nhau, kh.. Read »

Lirik lagu Backpack Quinn Xcii

Quinn Xcii

She pulled out a backpackWith some drugs I never done before, but I still told her, "Pass that"I only said it ′cause I'm tryna get lucky like a four leaf cloverFull disclosure, I′m a lot less cool when I'm soberToo late to backtrackSo I fake it 'til we′re.. Read »