Lirik lagu Pentonville Babyshambles


It's roughIt's wicked and roughIt's hardPentonville roughIt's toughIt's wicked and roughIt's hardPentonville roughNow in Pentonville there's all type of nationRussian, Columbian and JamaicanLatvian, Croatian and a PolishmanIndian, Chinaman down from Vietn.. Read »

Lirik lagu Persetan Denganmu Mighty Finger

Mighty Finger

Terserah kau mau bicara apa tentang kitaDan lakukan segala propaganda menghancurkanKau hanya bisa mencela, menghina dan menikamDengan semua tekanan yang telah kau berikanKau pikir mudah lakukan semua yang kau katakanMasukan yang terlontar memaksaku tuk me.. Read »

Lirik lagu Prahara Cinta Merry Andani

Merry Andani

Aku malu..Aku malu...Aku malu...Pertama kali berjumpaDenganmu kekasihkuDunia seolah kan runtuhMakanpun tak enakTidurkupun tiada nyenyakSelalu teringat oh dirimuInikah oh namanyaInsan sedang jatuh cintaMengapa semua begitu indah dilihatBegitu sedap dipanda.. Read »

Lirik lagu Permission To Shine Bachelor Girl

Bachelor Girl

Hey, what would you say If I can't play the hero tonight Cos lately I've been feelin' like I can't get anything right I've been fading into the woodwork again And I'm feelin' like I just wanna hide But guess what I'm gonna try something just a little bit .. Read »

Lirik lagu Pelankan Michael Aldi

Michael Aldi

SemalamKu mendengar cerita darimuTentang seorang pria yang selaluBisa luluhkan seluruh hatimuIngatkah engkau dengan janjimuTak ingin merangkai cerita yang baruBisakah kau pelankanHatimu terjatuh untuknyaTahukah ku tak bisaMelihat dirimu dengan nyaBisakah .. Read »

Lirik lagu Parlez-vous Francais? Baccara


Wow...hello, you are looking good, Mayte How was the island, the sun and the sea? Tell me all about it Oo...just too much, Maria It was like a dream come true Go on, I want details Where did you stay? What did you do? Who did you meet? Oh, I don't know wh.. Read »

Lirik lagu Paris Green Babylon Zoo

Babylon Zoo

Everytime I breath I think of Everytime I sleep I Fashion dies with no respect I never want to be like you My poison colours never clash With my shiny, shiny shoes oh! Who will buy my old chanels, Who will buy my fake furs, I can't live without my slacks... Read »

Lirik lagu Pictures Of Paradise Babylon Sad

Babylon Sad

Personal power shall ever be mineMy soul is eye and eye is my mindEvenity has never existedYou simply want to have itThe only solution's the struggle against my aimsAnd struggling without aim is weakOr so it is writtenProfusion I loveThy will - shall be y.. Read »