Lirik lagu Call It What U Want Above The Law

Above The Law

[Featuring 2Pac, Money B] You've now entered the quest to, the black triangle Now you know the reason for the Black Mafia theory, hahaha Yes it has many meanings, but no matter how you define it it still comes out black See it's just a hair trim So you ca.. Read »

Lirik lagu Captivity Anggun


To the highest mountains andTo the deepest seas and back toThe long and rocky roadI'll always be with youAs far as we can goAs long as we are twoYour heart is all I followYour love keeps me trueNothing matters to meI'm blind don't want to seeShut my ears .. Read »

Lirik lagu Cemburu Buta Angkasa


Aku cemburu butaBila melihatmuDekat dekat dengannyaDi depan matakuAku terbakar hatiSaat melihatmuMesra mesra dengannyaDi depan matakuLelah hatiku kini menerima semuaTentang tentang dirimu dekat dengannyaJantungku ini terasa cepat berdetakSaat terdengar ka.. Read »

Lirik lagu Chernobyl Generation Aborym


Cernobyl Generation Murderer alienation Cernobyl Generation Ecstasy hallucination Cernobyl Generation Radioactive mutation Your condemnation Represents our domination Genocide scary faces Deturpated bodies While your god was sleeping Mine was having fun G.. Read »

Lirik lagu Cinta Jangan Kau Pergi Anggie


Kusadari kesalahan iniYang membuat segalanya gelap jadinyaOh..kasihku kuharap kau mauMemaafkan menerima pengakuanku#Jangan kau diam lagiKu tak sanggup menahanBicaralah kau sayangJiwa ini tak tenangReff:Cinta jangan kau pergiTinggalkan diriku sendiriCinta .. Read »

Lirik lagu Clinical Colostomy Aborted


Stain-less steel doors burst openA gurney wheeling a flatulent cadaverAbbreviated salutations muted by the stench...By the stench...Horrified nurses scatterFoul human cess seepsPunctuation the smellOf acrid colonic contents...colonical...Numbed by the ree.. Read »

Lirik lagu Cinta Tak Harus Memiliki Angeliq


*Cinta tak selamanya di hatiSaat kau bisikkan kata berpisah pergi darikuTinggalkan aku sendiriCinta tak selamanya disisiSaat kau bisikkan kata berpisah pergi darikuTinggalkan semua kenangan**Selamanya...Cintaku hanya untuk dirimuMeski cinta tak harus memi.. Read »

Lirik lagu Charted Carnal Effigy Aborted


Gouging into flesh, and act of forensic grandeurAbusing my identity to ravish insides, a concoction of a mind deprivedScandal on the operating table, my fetid fetish to carve, maim and diceStripped to the gore, operating manureGore seeping from the inside.. Read »