Vicios Es el ciclo de Desertar Ciclos Cuanto tiempo para Despertar Siglos Siglos Siglos Momentánea sed De gritar Desquicio En el espejo corro Sin mirar De sed y hambre despertar Estar ahogado en libertad Y verte sentado en tu verdad De sed y hambre desper.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sentir Lucybell
Seguir Ya sin tormenta Seguir Sentir cadencias Sentir Color y esencia Sentir Que algo despierta Y que me acerca Seguir Como mi lengua Seguir Decir clemencia Decir Y no pedir más Sentir Que algo despierta Y que me acerca No es lo mismo creer anestesiado Se.. Read »
Lirik lagu Still Life Lucy Kaplansky
Sadness is a little boy looking Out the window high above the city,Counting statues of people on the buildings, Thinking that the people are forever,He wants his father to be a statue, On the rooftop of his fatherless home,So that he can always see him, .. Read »
Lirik lagu Sunday Afternooon Lucky Boys Confusion
Sunday afternoonIn a night you won't be pefect you won't be pureAnd Monday asking youWhy did how could you play me for the fool*Chorus*Oh, there's no simple answerOh, there's no reason at allMust've been a beautiful daydreamYou didn't come home til threeM.. Read »
Lirik lagu Song For Molly Lucy Kaplansky
Molly's sitting on her bedIt's Sunday afternoonRadio's playing outsideTV bleeds from the next roomAntiseptic in the airNurses laughing down the hallCrooked feet in crooked shoesHer wooden cane against the wallIt's Sunday but her Sunday clothesAre packed a.. Read »
Lirik lagu Sunday Afternoon Lucky Boys Confusion
Sunday afternoonIn a night you won't be pefect you won't be pureAnd Monday asking youWhy did how could you play me for the foolOh, there's no reason at allMust've been a beautiful daydreamYou didn't come home til threeMust've been a helluva joyrideYou did.. Read »
Lirik lagu Scorpion Lucy Kaplansky
In night, inside, at nightNo whispers, no worries, no wordsJust light fills the corner of your eyeTake me in, take me inCold sky, dark Montana, long roadRunning fence, radio, trucks blow byUp high, no air, big dreamsTake me back, take me backI want.. Read »
Lirik lagu Slow Down Lucky Boys Confusion
Hey, slow down, slow down find the rhythm in your step If you made mistakes don't waste time on regret Just keep straight pushing through all your problems If nothing else eventually time will solve them Yes, there's much power in clear and present anger .. Read »
Lirik lagu Slip Lucky Boys Confusion
Sitting, attractively boredI guess I had this coming, it's been a long time comingCasually she kills me, attractively boredI leave too much unsaid, I leave too much unsaidYou've got the sand in the palm of your handDon't let it slip awayRegret haunts fore.. Read »
Lirik lagu Saturday Night Lucky Boys Confusion
As usual I'm late, what's the difference I see the same facesMy attitude is plain, just the same as the vibe in this place isI'm shaking hands and smiling, lying, about where I've been latelyThe tensions multiplying and I'm dying to leaveIt's Saturday nig.. Read »