Bila aku sedang termenung seorang diriTerasa kesunyian melanda ruang hatiMenjelma berbagai kenangan di masa laluFikiranku pun mula tergangguMengapakah ketika sendirian beginiPeristiwa lama mengusik di ingatankuMembuat aku jadi resah tiada menentuTerbayang.. Read »
Lirik lagu Destroy The Hush Agent Steel
Hold close the human in youCherish your freedom Let nothing deny youYour enemy hides from the truthClings to the darkness (cowers in the shadow)You are the essence of proofPositive vision of strength individualNot paralyzedNot compromisedIn dreams reside .. Read »
Lirik lagu Dead Eyes Agent Steel
To executeYou made no compromiseMen aren't pigs - SLAUGHTEREDInfected with a plague or rendered with a scalpel by youYou make the claim it was just a jobAnd killing's nothing more than sawing logsWASH YOUR HANDS BUT BLOOD LEAVES STAINSYou don't denyYou sa.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dead Girl 2000 Agents Of Oblivion
[Written by Acid Bath][Paegan Terrorism Tactics (1996)]dead girlthere will never be another one that dreams like youdead girlthere will never be another one that screams like youwhen death sleeps, it dreams of youdelilah played the dead girl at the freak .. Read »
Lirik lagu Disini Untukmu Bintang
Saat indah kita berduaHapuskanlah gundah di dalam jiwaJanji yang pernah kau ucapkanMasih melekat di hatiAku masih di sini untukmuKu kan slalu menungguHanya kau milikkuJangan pernah kau ragu padakuBersama kita jalin kisah cinta kita berduaBahagia ku bila d.. Read »
Lirik lagu Didalam Rindunya Aku Bimbo
Sejak kau tuliskan cintamu kasihSungai yang kering berombak kembaliMenyusuri liku bumimuKe dasar samudera hatimuSejak kau hadirkan cintamu kasihKu bertanya pada bumi dan langitHaruskah kuturuti rindu dendamDalam angan-anganReff :Di dalam rindunya akuBaran.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dengan Puisi Aku Bimbo
Dengan puisi aku bernyanyi Sampai senja umurku nanti Dengan puisi aku bercinta Dibatas cakrawala Dengan puisi aku mengenang Lama nian dia akan datang Dengan puisi aku menangis Jarum waktu bila kejam mengiris Dengan puisi aku mengutuk Nafas jaman yang busu.. Read »
Lirik lagu Drug-induced Fantasies Agathocles
I was once at some party - oh yeah?Guess who I've met - tell me!Satan and his legions - really?Having a few beers - no way!Guess what he said"I'm not real""I am just a fantasy""Living in your minds"Tripped-out party - in your mindSatans ' legions - having.. Read »
Lirik lagu Doctors Wished Me Agathocles
I was put away,'cause I could not playthis game called system of today.Doctor wished me best of luck,told me I'm insane as fuck... Read »
Lirik lagu Distrust And Abuse Agathocles
You just hang around - and follow each trend,Only for making money - you start a band,You play the stuff - which is "in",And in this stupid contest - you always try to win,What's going on, in your fucking mind,Are you that stupid, or completely blind,Can'.. Read »