Lirik lagu Blue Velvet Bobby Vinton

Bobby Vinton

She wore blue velvetBluer than velvet was the nightSofter than satin was the lightFrom the starsShe wore blue velvetBluer than velvet were her eyesWarmer than May her tender sighsLove was oursOurs a love I held tightlyFeeling the rapture growLike a flame .. Read »

Lirik lagu Blue On Blue Bobby Vinton

Bobby Vinton

(chorus):Blue on blue, heartache on heartacheBlue on blue now that we are throughBlue on blue, heartache on heartacheAnd I find I can't get over losing youI walk along the street we used to walkTwo by two, lovers passAnd as they're passing by, I could di.. Read »

Lirik lagu Beer Barrel Polka Bobby Vinton

Bobby Vinton

There's a garden, what a gardenOnly happy faces bloom thereAnd there's never any room thereFor a worry or a gloom thereOh there's music and there's dancingAnd a lot of sweet romancingWhen they play the polkaThey all get in the swingEvery time they hear th.. Read »

Lirik lagu Be True To Yourself Bobby Vee

Bobby Vee

Be true to yourself and you'll always be true to meBe true to yourself and you'll be the girl that I want you to beRemember thatIf some other guy catches your eye just follow your heartI know your heart won't lead you wrong our love is much too strongI'm .. Read »

Lirik lagu Bila Cinta Uut Permatasari

Uut Permatasari

Bila cinta sudah lengket di dadaHari-harinya terasa indahBila rindu sudah masuk di dadaSatu hari terasa sebulanHati pun berbunga-bungaDag dig dug getar di dadaHidupku terasa indahBagai di surgaBila cinta sudah mulai bercumbuDunia seakan milik berduaBila r.. Read »

Lirik lagu Beri Aku Waktu Uut Permatasari

Uut Permatasari

Coba beri aku waktuUntuk menjawab cintamuDan sejujurnya ku katakanKepadamu...Hati ini masih sangsiAku takut kan terulangSeperti cintaku yang pertamaGagal lagi...Semoga engkau mengerti,Semoga engkau sadariBagiku cinta bukan satu permainanKumohon ijinkan ak.. Read »

Lirik lagu Benci (ballad Version) Utopia


Haruskah aku mencintanyaBila hanya berikan dukaSepertinya aku bahagiaSatu sisi aku menangisAku pernah sangat berhargaSemua mata memujakuSampai kau datang dalam hidupkuSegalanya berubahReff:Kau mengambil hatikuJadikannya kelabuKau menghancurkan semua impia.. Read »

Lirik lagu Baby Doll Utopia


seperti menjamah boneka terindahwaktu aku mengenalmuku buat kau buta dengan pesonakutersesat kau karena silaumuReff :ku ajak kau melayang tinggidan ku hempaskan ke bumiku mainkan sesuka hatilalu kau ku tinggal pergi(*)dan aku tertawa melihat kau lukakau t.. Read »