Lirik lagu Lelah Puppen


Kurenungi arti hidup ini, gagal dalam bentuk diriTemukan arti dalam hidupku, tak satupun yang berartiTelaah sepi dalam diri, bayang lalu kubunuhNikmati apa yang kudapat, tak puas semakin laparCerita tak pernah usaiTetap mengalirTetap memakiDan lelah dalam.. Read »

Lirik lagu Like A King Ben Harper

Ben Harper

Well Martin's dream has become Rodney's worst nightmare can't walk the streets to them we are fair game our lives don't mean a thing like a king, like a king, like a king Rodney King, Rodney King, Rodney King like a king, like a king, like a king how I wi.. Read »

Lirik lagu Less Ben Harper

Ben Harper

I could give you more, but you still wouldn't be happy I could give all you need, but you still wouldn't be satisfied I could give to our poor Now what good would that be? You'd shake hands with Jesus And you still would not believe If you're happy with n.. Read »

Lirik lagu Little Scare Benjamin Diamond

Benjamin Diamond

all we haveit's little scarewe dont mindwe dont carerememberI thought your timeall you knowwill let you crylove will pretty splatlove with music with music .......2seven yearsand still togetherstyle yourselflittle scarebut i want you to knowst.. Read »

Lirik lagu Les Cerf Volants Benjamin Biolay

Benjamin Biolay

A mesure que le temps passeJe mesure le temps qui passeEt tandis que l'eau s'étendJusqu'à l'autre bout de l'étangA mesure que le temps passeJe mesure le temps qui passeEt tandis que l'eau s'étendJusqu'à l'autre bout de l'étangJe regarde l'aube claireS'all.. Read »

Lirik lagu Lizzy Ben Kweller

Ben Kweller

sign me up i volunteervotes are in for life gaurd of the yearher feline past lives are plain to seetheir similarities are shown in this life againlike mamma said dontcha let it go to your head when ya know youre being fedim so proud to know youlizzy ill w.. Read »

Lirik lagu Living Life Ben Kweller

Ben Kweller

The greenest trees you'll ever seeare the ones in your mindAnd all the answers and the dreamswill come to you in timeYeah, you are living lifethe way you feelI know the world around youeveryone shares the skyYou never see darknessyou are the daylightYeah,.. Read »

Lirik lagu Lukisan Cinta Potret


*Wahai ratu cintaMenyerap anginKu lebur hati ku yang senduDaun kering berguguranMenemani sepiku**Wahai raja cintaMembakar benakkuAkankah sendu itu hilangSementara aku di siniMenanti cintaReff :Kan ku lukis dengan jari iniSetiap gambar cerita tentang kitaJ.. Read »

Lirik lagu Launch Ramp Ben Kweller

Ben Kweller

Go!Tack giant mushroomsTo all of the bedroomsGo, yo, to the streetsIn a penis with selectionI survey nocturnal thoughtAs we drive homeHey, she wonDo do do, do do doHey, she wonDo do do, do do doYou're just a vacuum too Down in the basementThat's of course.. Read »

Lirik lagu Laguku Bahasaku Potret


Berawal dari satu kisahYang kuurai dengan kataDan jadi cerita yang indahCerita dalam laguSemua kan menjadi satuDan ku rangkai dengan syairKu harap semua kan berartiJadi alunan indahKuhayati, kata demi kata iniMelayanglah khayalkuPada cerita yang adaPerasa.. Read »