Lirik lagu Intocable Intocable


Lloramos por un amigoQue se ha ido al paraisoPara nunca regresarLo vamos a extrañarAdios amigo, querido amigoNos deja un gran vacioQue en el corazon lo sentimosQue tan solo recordarLos dias no volveran a ser los mismosQuerido amigoHa sido dificil aguantar.. Read »

Lirik lagu It Isnt Fair Isham Jones

Isham Jones

IT ISN'T FAIRIsham Jones It isn't fair for you to taunt me,How can you make me care this way?It isn't fair for you to want me,If it's just for a dayIt isn't fair for you to thrill meWhy do you do the things you do?It isn't fair for you to fill meWith thos.. Read »

Lirik lagu I Love A Piano Irving Berlin

Irving Berlin

[1st verse:]As a child I went wild when a band playedHow I ran to the man when his hand swayedClarinets were my pets, and a slide trombone I thought was simplydivineBut today when they play I could hiss themEv'ry bar is a jar to my systemBut there's one m.. Read »

Lirik lagu I Need A Minute Imagine Dragons

Imagine Dragons

Welcome to the land of fireI hope you brought the right attire,The crippled man is waiting at the doorHe said "your eyes are much too bright"The things you say are never right,The sins of all the world lie on your headSo when you see me look the other way.. Read »

Lirik lagu It Had To Be You Isham Jones

Isham Jones

Why do I do, just as you sayWhy must I just, give you your wayWhy do I sigh, why don't I try to forgetIt must have been, That something lovers call fateKept me saying, "I have to wait"I saw them all,Just couldn't fall 'til we metIt had to be you, it had t.. Read »