Yeah.. yeah.. yup!You know what? I was just downstairsand I was on my way up here to the studio anda guy bumped into me andand he said.. he said"Yo Kris!How is it that you stay in this music?You knowthis rap music ex specially for SO.. LONG.. SO.. LONG"I .. Read »
Lirik lagu Hey Dude Kula Shaker
All I have is all I need enough for love but not for greed yeah. I was younger once this guy came to me told me about all the honey out there. He said "Honey gold jewels money women wine cars that shine." I don't know what he was talking about but I think.. Read »
Lirik lagu Halftime Krs-one
Right now as we rockin they shootin outsideNow we have got to chillWe have got to chillWe can't have no gunfire because hip hop can't buildLet's leave all the shootin and the violence outsideI know there's some people in herearmed to the teethBut understa.. Read »
Lirik lagu H.i.p.h.o.p Krs-one
[KRS] Yeah that's the one -- yo Thor-El just just check your micVerse One: Thor-ElSo you wanna be the million dollar man, kid what's your planMake a deal with the devil settle for a hundred grandNot enough I call your bluff, hit you with the stuffDeal wit.. Read »
Lirik lagu Hush Kumi Koda
I bring the fireYou gotta ring, gotta ring , gotta ring the alarmI bring desireYou know I can't promise you I won ' t do any harmHey guys step back! kashō shi tai no?chīsai hidane nante yakitsukusu with my fire!I'm playing with fireIn 1 , 2 , 3 , [?] mahō.. Read »
Lirik lagu Heal Over Kt Tunstall
It isn't very difficult to see why You are the way you are Doesn't take a genius to realise That sometimes life is hard It's gonna take time But you'll just have to wait You're gonna be fine But in the meantime Come over here lady Let me wipe your tears a.. Read »
Lirik lagu Husk Kristin Hersh
Terrible wineSet you freeDamn slap-happy sleepC'mon out, c'mon outOh mercy, mercy meTerrible wineDraws ou outDamn slap-happy in the dugoutC'mon down, c'mon downOh mercy, mercy meAnd when you're smoke, How do you speak?Smoke signals?Write on trees?C'mon ou.. Read »
Lirik lagu Houdini Blues Kristin Hersh
Oh no don't you put me in that boxyou know what you can do with those locksbet your life I'll come crawling out againyou'll have to deal with me thenyou'll hear me in the wind.I been on the other side of the Blue Ridgeseen the Shenandoah rolling thereI st.. Read »
Lirik lagu Hope Kristin Hersh
I know I don't want you, I feel broken and miles away...Let the brain bells ring again...Let the angels sing again...Drain the bottle, drink you in...I won't stop till your mother brings you home...Nobody's muscle can break your bone...Nobody's thirst can.. Read »
Lirik lagu Home Kristin Hersh
Hey again, up for a spin?...Pretty rain make you smile...This is something, why don't you come in?...This is some swell trash...Jesus, he's easy, the safest way to go home...Hell, nothing's boring, never could panic alone...Hey again, my only friend, pret.. Read »