Não adianta mentir pra mim mesmaFicar me enganando, tentando dizerQue nunca na vida, nunca na vida eu gostei de pão docePorque por mais que eu queira esconderA verdade é que eu adorava pão doceNão podia passar sem pão doceBastava ver padaria, que logo eu .. Read »
Lirik lagu Pelukan Terakhir Base Jam
Bayangkan bila esok tiada lagiApa yang kan kau berikan kepada cintamuBisikkan semua isi hatimuBayangkan hari ini kan berakhir tiada lagiBerikan pelukan terakhir penuh oleh cintaDan jangan lepaskan tanganmuReff: bila waktu telah usaiKuingin ada dalam peluk.. Read »
Lirik lagu Prophecy Of The Elder Reign Aeternus
The dark veil of a man's hateRemains as the true gloryWithin a warrior's heartSee the blackened skyThe ravens as they flyProphecyChaos and majestyRevealed from the dustOf village that fellUnder stormy skiesFlaming bannersOn desolate landStill - yet aliveA.. Read »
Lirik lagu Possessed By The Serpents Vengeance Aeternus
we dwell in puritybeneath a sea of abundancecontent with the nurtureof our native landwe are awakened in tormentstabbed by the oppressors bladea silenceslashed by tyranny'shostile faceprovoke they mustthe righteous sonsinvading our dwellingand yield we sh.. Read »
Lirik lagu Prosperity Aesop Rock
Sulking and bulking a halfsulking a laugh crash testfigure the mixtures digging up his last breathgrief leaf thief briefly turned chieftanthe tapwaters on the waters off the waters leakingso this is bluemy frame reportedly spotted garden variety burners a.. Read »
Lirik lagu Pilih Dia Atau Aku Baron Soulmates
Tegaskanlah padakuDan katakan padakuSebelum kau hancurkankuPilihlah yang kau mauTak mengapa, bila memang tak bisaMiliki dirimu hari iniKatakanlah padaku pilih dia atau akuAgar bisa kulanjutkan hidup tanpadirimu, tak mengapa, bila memang takbisa miliki dir.. Read »
Lirik lagu Post Tour, Pre Judgement Aereogramme
Don't you know where I've been? I have climbed every mountain Don't you know what I've seen? The Earth, the sky and the Moon Above, and inbetween, I'll shine like I should've In a way, without hate, I wouldn't be what I am In a way, without hate, I wouldn.. Read »
Lirik lagu Poncho Man Aehof
Ooooooooh....Poncho manWhy did you shed your clothes?Ooooooooh....Poncho manPut back on your robesRunning down the street under the noon sunWhy did you do it? Did you think it would be fun?Wearing nothing but a poncho - we can see your bare assIt doesn't .. Read »
Lirik lagu Perahu Menuju Ke Surga Baron Band
Kau sungguh indah bila bersamakuTapi kau tak sadari kan kekagumankuDan ku smakin gila bila bersamamuKeindahan dirimu semakin menggodakuPanah asmara yang menembus waktukuMenggetarkan sukmaku memabukkan diri iniHatiku gelisah mengingat dirimuKu slalu tering.. Read »
Lirik lagu Pikiran Dan Perjalanan Barasuara
Di pikirankuAda pikiranmuMereka rencanaTentang masa depanTabur harapanAlpa kepastianDari dalam gelap amarahmuButa melajuDari dalam hitam ingatanmuButa merajaOoh yeahMarabahayaOoh yeah, terjebak larut dalamHalusinasiBelantara masa depanPikiran dan perjalan.. Read »