Lirik lagu Soldado The Casualties

The Casualties

Juan sin escuela, nada que hacerY sin trabajo, nada que perderJuan es un soldado, con pistola quemató a muchos hombres, preguntele por queJuan es soldado, sin compasionEra muy joven, perdió el amorEscribió a la casa, padres sin trabajoEl rico se rie, juan.. Read »

Lirik lagu Star Trekkin The Firm

The Firm

Star Trekking, across the universe On the Starship Enterprise, under Captain Kirk Star Trekking, across the universe Boldly going forward, 'cause we can't find reverse Lt. Uhura, report There's Klingons on the starboard bow Starboard bow, starboard bow Th.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sell Out Society The Casualties

The Casualties

making something out of nothingwith punk we have a startyou can see it in our faceswe're here to kick society's assrejected by the massesand rejected from the upper classwe finally have a saya voice for the lower class[chorus]this society...will sign your.. Read »

Lirik lagu Satisfaction Guaranteed The Firm

The Firm

Mystery surrounds me, and I wonder where I'm goingThere's a cloud above me and it seems to hide the wayI'm going straight ahead, 'cos it's the only way I knowI wanna leave the past, and leave just for todayNow then tell me baby, do you need my love?Tell m.. Read »