YOU TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUT OF MY HEARTBenny GoodmanYou took the words right out of my heartAnd it was like a bolt from the blueYou took the words right out of my heartWhen you said I love you.When you said I love you I stood in a daze for a whileFor I f.. Read »
Lirik lagu You Benny Blanco Feat. Marshmello Dan Vance Joy
Benny Blanco Feat. Marshmello Dan Vance Joy
In the moments when I hear my voiceBut don't feel like myselfWish I could hold you, it's only youIn the moments when I walk these city streets with someone elseI wish I told you, it's only youWhen the night is over out of all the places I could chooseI'll.. Read »
Lirik lagu You Remind Me Of Home Benjamin Gibbard
1, 2, 3, 4you remind me of homethe paint cracks, where the water leaksthe rusty pipes that are just beneath my featyou remind me of homethe heaters warm, that fills the roomof potpouri of dust and gas fillsyou remind me of homea broken bed, with dirty she.. Read »
Lirik lagu Yang Tersisih Praja Jourdann
Manis, usah tundukkan wajahmuHapus tangismu,basuh lukamuYang lalu, biar berlaluMengapa masih diam terpakudalam mimpimuyang kian semuMungkin, sulit untuk kaulupakanbayangan itudari hatimuYang luka akan asmaraAtau kau takut pada kenyataanHanya karenakau t'l.. Read »
Lirik lagu You Can't Take That Away Ben Lummis
What ever i give youYou give me back moreYou give me that something I never knew i was looking forWhen ever i need youIt's like you read my mindYour already waiting up aheadat the finish lineDon't know if i'll get thereCause it could change in 15 minutesB.. Read »
Lirik lagu Your Redneck Past Ben Folds Five
Choose from any number of magazinesWho do you want to be? Billy idol or kool moe dee? If you're afraid they might discoverYour redneck pastThere are a hundred ways to cover your redneck pastThey'll never send you homeRootsThe funny limbs that grow undergr.. Read »
Lirik lagu You To Thank Ben Folds
By the time the buzz was wearing offwe were standing out on the sidewalkwith our tattoos that looked like ringsin the hot Nevada sunKids piled high, our moms and dads shook handsin a party of Polaroid friendsrented a pool and hired a bandMaybe they knew m.. Read »
Lirik lagu You Remind Me Of Home Ben Gibbard
You Remind Me Of HomeBy Ben GibbardYou remind me of home: the paint cracks when the water leaksfrom the rusty pipes that are just beneath my feetYou remind me of home: the heater's warm but fills the room with a potpourri of dust and gas fumesYou remind m.. Read »
Lirik lagu Yang Terlupakan Pizza
Maafkan aku takkan bisa Melupakan kisah kitaYang dulu Pernah singgah Bayangmu yang dulu pernah ada Telah hilang bersama senyumnya Yang kini bersamaku Bayanganmu hanya membuang Waktu yang semestinya tuk dia Yang kini kucintai Perla.. Read »
Lirik lagu You Made Me Forget My Dreams Belle And Sebastian
You made me forget my dreamsWhen I woke up to you sleepingWe had peace for a night at leastBut the trouble starts todayThis morning you'll say"I'll see you sometime, maybe" and IFall back to uneasy sleepYou made me forget my dreamsI was building a space r.. Read »