"now my life is full of so many simple crutches. they help me walk they help me sleep the help me suffer. hte love was never there and I just didn't seeit. the weapons take on so many painful attachments, the faces change but they all tell the same damn s.. Read »
Lirik lagu Chapter 5: My Own Restrains Boy Sets Fire
[Exemplifying the current standards placed on United States political officials, the relaxation of many ethics has come to warp and often replace the code of conduct originally expressed in writing to protect against corruption. Once in place, a new code .. Read »
Lirik lagu Chapter 2: In The Wilderness....no One Can He Boy Sets Fire
[Often in the process of electing political officials, the voices and ideas of candidates other than those offered by the two major political parties, fall upon deaf ears. This creates a streamlining of the views held by political hopefuls, forcing them t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Cinta Sejati Xtv
Oh... kekasihku...Aku yang merindumuAngin yang berhembusSampaikan padanya... hasratkuOh... bulan... bintang...Hiasilah hidupkuTerangi rongga hatiYang sedang dilanda cinta...Ku berharap kau pun merasakan juaKeinginan 'tuk saling bersama... seutuhnya...Reff.. Read »
Lirik lagu Chapter 1: Vehicle Boy Sets Fire
[The average American citizen is taught to be passive. He learns at an early age that obedience and submission will lead to a reward, often unattainable and almost always at his own detriment. Marx discussed this idea in Das Kapital when he refers to reli.. Read »
Lirik lagu Channel Boy Sets Fire
In demonstration our failures all aside We can burn this whole fucking system down And drive the bastards out Spit in the cynic's eye Has passion all run dry Expression of anger Testify... fight... Frustration as a catalyst Our lifesblood and identity Cha.. Read »
Lirik lagu Cavity Boy Sets Fire
Fall Kneel And beg Just try harder and you will find The way to everlasting site Don't take this lite away It never did you any harm Just when I thought I'd find my way Pagentry are all the same Defiled and devine Self respect should never have to bleed f.. Read »
Lirik lagu Cinta Kenangan Silam Xpdc
C... cintaku yang satuI... impian kan nyataN... nikmat yang berbedaT... tanpa pengertianA... antara kau dan akuCuba kau pejamkan matakan matamu yang ayuInginku nyatakan ke dalam hatimuNoktah musnah impian yang ku harapkanAku mengerti siapa diri iniKekayaa.. Read »
Lirik lagu C.i.n.t.a. K.i.t.a Xpdc
C.I.N.T.A. K.I.T.A. satu rasa C.I.N.T.A. B.U.T.A. tak bermata lahirnya C.I.N.T.A. G.I.L.A. pada harta M.A.N.A. C.I.N.T.A.. yang sebenar2nya C.I.N.T.A. K.I.T.A. sampai bila Manakah satu arah kita sebenarnya dunia Kita berasmara di dalam cinta yang tak berm.. Read »
Lirik lagu Cukuplah Sudah Xo-ix
Hati ini tak mungkinJiwa ini tak mungkinBertahan lagiKe setiap perlakuanmu kepadakuHanya satu pintakuAgar kau cintaikuSepenuh hatiSeperti aku mencintai dirimu(Ketika) sudah cukup untuk selamanyaDiriku dipermainkan dirimuAku tak mau lagiBaby baby cukuplah .. Read »