Lirik lagu Ga Pa Pa (gpp) Seruni Bahar

Seruni Bahar

Kurang apa diriku, kurang baikkah padamuKau susah sengsara, kau datang kepadakuTapi apa balasanmu kepada dirikuSetelah berada kau campakkan dirikuKau bagaikan kacang yang lupakan kulitnyaAku dijauhin ya ga pa paAku dimusuhin ya ga pa paAku diomongin, aku .. Read »

Lirik lagu Get Outta My Dreams Billy Ocean

Billy Ocean

GET OUTTA MY DREAMS, GET INTO MY CAR BILLY OCEANHey you, get in to my carWho me?Yes you, get in to my carWooooooooooooooh. Wah! Yeah!Who's that ladyComing down the roadWho's that ladyWho's that womanWalking through my doorWhat's the scoreI'll be the sunSh.. Read »

Lirik lagu Gotta Travel On Billy Grammer

Billy Grammer

GOTTA TRAVEL ONThe Kingston TrioI've laid around and played around this old town too longSummer's almost gone, yes winter's coming onI've laid around and played around this old town too longAnd I feel like I gotta travel on.Poppa writes to Johnny, but Joh.. Read »

Lirik lagu Goyank Kincir Sella Selly

Sella Selly

Kenalkan Saya Si Goyank KincirPenonton Yuk Jangan Mikir MikirMari Joget Jangan Mlipir MlipirTemenin Saya Si Goyank KincirMari Goyang Lagu Goyank KincirMuter Muter Ala Ala KincirUget Uget Geol Geol NyengirAsik Asik Jangan Mikir MikirMari BernyanyiBerjoget .. Read »

Lirik lagu Gonna' Find Love Billy Gilman

Billy Gilman

Hey girl, take the wheelI can't drive anymoreWhat I want is to park this carWhen I'm with youAnd wait till the cops come around[Chorus]Gonna find love if we keep this upCan't stop, we feel the rushIf we keep foolin' around and it gets crazy enoughWe're go.. Read »

Lirik lagu God's Alive And Well Billy Gilman

Billy Gilman

When I see the stars hang in the sky, oh When I watch a bird spread its wings and fly And each time I hear the wind blow through the trees, oh With every breath of air that I breath All the things I can't see Still inside I believe In a baby's laugh In a .. Read »

Lirik lagu Gadisku Search


GadiskuSeri mewangi bagai disiram selautan kasturiGadiskuTerindah padamu kerna tak pernah meminta selain cintaDialah gadisku (selalu) selama-lamanyaTak peduli kata orang terhadap dirinyaAku tahu dia gadiskuTak peduli nista yang terlempar padakuDia tahu di.. Read »

Lirik lagu Gadis Misteri Search


Lama...Aku menantiMusim...Saling bergantiMekar layuDi pinggir waktuLama...Aku mencariDalam angan dan mimpiKeujudanGadis misteriBerbagai bentuk dan rupaBermain di ruang mataSiapa... gerangan agaknyaBukakanlah jendela asmaraMoga terang kamar cintakuMoga lan.. Read »