A mother mourns the loss of her son. The most wonderful man inthe world; light and shining, fair and beautiful as no other man.Light blond hair, wonderful skyblue eyes and a skin so fair itshines! Tall and handsome, strong and brave, perfect in all hisbei.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dragged Out And Shot Bury Your Dead
Now heres a metal for being so fucking perfect, perfect at making me miserable, how do you do it. So let me get some paper to take down these notes, so that I can take the papers dull edge and saw away at my tired wrists, theres something about you , I ca.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dreamer Bursters
Many times life had mecrawling on the floorBut you were there to holdmy hands when I was falling downEven through the daysI broke down on my kneesYou were there to light me upno matter what you dragged me outOne day when I'mFacing this complicated worldI'.. Read »
Lirik lagu Do You Know The Way To San Jose Burt Bacharach
Do you know the way to San Jose?I've been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way.Do you know the way to San Jose?I'm going back to find some peace of mind in San Jose.L.A. is a great big freeway.Put a hundred down and buy a car.In a week, maybe two,.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dracula With Glasses Burnt By The Sun
I'm Staring into the sun, waiting for it to fall down.I've collapsed over this madness.My hair has been pulled out. I've tried, but to no avail.me is resting. I Finish.Words cannot convince the mind when I can't believe my eyes.Who am I kidding? I am drea.. Read »
Lirik lagu Dow Jones And The Temple Of Doom Burnt By The Sun
Consume. Defecate. Consume again.Hollow and empty. Consume.And this is where we're at.Running in reverse.I'll tell you what you need to be through what you own.Through what controls your mind, your life.Define yourself in my holy image.The things you own .. Read »
Lirik lagu Don Knotts Burnt By The Sun
I can still hear the frea behind your last gasp,even above the flat slaps of my thumbs against this desk.You take a moment to rewind in your mind:if only you hadn't opened that hole beneath your nose.I'm talking to a walking wall following a faulted call... Read »
Lirik lagu Down By The Riverside Burning Spear
Don't break this heartDon't break this heartDown by the riversideDown by the riverside Oh I love a girlAll I know I love a girlI love her so, I really, really...She could be from Africa She could be from America She could be from Jamaica All I know I lo.. Read »
Lirik lagu Door Peep Shall Not Enter Burning Spear
I an I, Son of the Most High, Jah RastafariOur hearts shall correspond And beat in one harmonySounds from the Burning Spear:Door peep shall not enter this a Holy LandWhere wise and a true man stand Sipping from the cup of peaceChant down a babylon, yeahCh.. Read »
Lirik lagu Door Peep Burning Spear
Door peep shall not enter this a holy landWhere wise and true man stand sipping From this cupful cup of peaceNot one shall enter, not oneDoor people shall not enterThis a holy landWhere wise and true man standSipping from the cup of peaceWe chant down a B.. Read »