Lirik lagu Du Fehlst Mir! Cappuccino


Ich betrete unsere Wohnung zum ersten Mal allein,die Stille ist so schön genauso sollt´es immer sein,mein Wunsch war es oft daß du nicht bei mir bist,doch jetzt ohne dich merke ich erst wie es ist,Jahre sind vergangen und ich fühle mich gefangen,nun bin i.. Read »

Lirik lagu Dir Mama Cappuccino


Hab ich nicht gesagt, ich werde nie vergessen, woher ich kommeUnd das hab ich nicht, keinen unserer Tage, ich frage mich, wieviel wageichHoffe ich versage nicht, und dann setz ich alles, denn ich erinner' michallabendlichDran, wie wir beide auf einmal auf.. Read »

Lirik lagu Desire Capital Sound

Capital Sound

I got to have you baby, I want you by my side Just climb a boat and take me for a ride. I need to have your body, your love I really need It's got to be you are that kisses me. Desire - ooh. I want you by my side Desire - to be my ever lovin' guy. Desire .. Read »

Lirik lagu Dealer Fever Capdown


You say it's driving you insaneBut you'll never be the same,Cos you'll lose all the powerThat's in your headWell I knew him back from skool daysSo I caught him right beforeHe got hismself and ego And gave his life to selling drawI understand his problemsB.. Read »

Lirik lagu Deal Real Capdown


Well at least I know that I've loved Ain't that what I'm supposed to say To learn from my mistakes Awareness of the past in the way I live today So how comes I still feel I've fucked up? And even after all this time As soon as I see your face It brings ba.. Read »

Lirik lagu Decency Defied Cannibal Corpse

Cannibal Corpse

Torn from your body,removed while you screamDissect to collet my blade now reamsPieces of flesh lie by the sideWorn on my body or put on displayYou mark your skin it gives you pleasureI take your precious art, it becomes my leatherTaking your hide before .. Read »

Lirik lagu Dualismi Caparezza


Chi sei tu che tormenti la mia mente sgombra nascosto nell'ombra, sembra tu voglia portarmi stretto al collo, come un insetto a mollo in una goccia d'ambra. Chi sei tu che ti vedo a fianco e sbianco come Kimba, mi frulli i testicoli come maracas a ritmo d.. Read »