Lirik lagu Shahdaroba Roy Orbison

Roy Orbison

Where the Nile flowsAnd the moon glowsOn the silent sandOf an ancient landWhen a dream diesAnd the heart criesShahadarobaIs the word they whisper lowShahadaroba, ShahadarobaMeans the futureIs much better than the pastShahadaroba, ShahadarobaIn the futureY.. Read »

Lirik lagu Shahadaroba Roy Orbison

Roy Orbison

Where the Nile flowsAnd the moon glowsOn the silent sandOf an ancient landWhen a dream diesAnd the heart criesShahadaroba Is the word they whisper lowShahadaroba, ShahadarobaMeans the future Is much better than the pastShahadaroba, ShahadarobaIn the futur.. Read »

Lirik lagu Something For Nothing Rush


Waiting for the winds of changeTo sweep the clouds awayWaiting for the rainbow's endTo cast its gold your wayCountless waysYou pass the daysWaiting for someone to callAnd turn your world aroundLooking for an answer toThe question you have foundLooking for.. Read »

Lirik lagu Seems To Me Roy Orbison

Roy Orbison

It seems to me that love will drive me crazy It's not at all what I thought it would be Instead of being happy, I'm wild with jealousy Afraid someone will steal your heart from me It seems to me that all the boys adore you And you don't know what torture .. Read »

Lirik lagu See Ruby Fall Roy Orbison

Roy Orbison

Well, I knew someday Ruby would be leavin', That she wasn't happy livin' quietly, quietly. 'Cause she would get that bedroom look each mornin', and I tell Ruby pull away from me. So go down-town at nine o' clock this evenin'; Walk under that red light the.. Read »

Lirik lagu Show Don't Tell Rush


How many times do you hear it?It goes on all day longEveryone knows everythingNo one's ever wrongUntil laterWho can you believe?It's hard to play it safeBut apart from a few good friendsWe don't take anything on faithUntil laterShow don't tellShow me don'.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sweet Freedom Safri Duo

Safri Duo

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------No more running down the wrong roadDancing to a different drumCan't you see what's going onDeep inside your heart?Always searching for the real thingLivin' like it's far awayl.. Read »

Lirik lagu Secret Touch Rush


The way outIs the way inThe way outIs the way in...Out of touchWith the weather and the wind directionWith the sunriseAnd the phases of the moonOut of touchWith life in the land of the lovingWith the living nightAnd the darkness at high noonYou can never .. Read »

Lirik lagu Say, You're My Girl Roy Orbison

Roy Orbison

Hello, may I have this dance with you? How have you been, girl? Hold me, and then girl just let me look at you. Tell me, now, is it true? Oh, did you break up? No chance to make up. I hate to take up all your time, but tell me. Oh, no it won't be repeated.. Read »