A két fiú dalaVolt egy srác, Zselé Jenõ Macho volt, igazi nagymenõ A csajok loholtak utána Mert volt harminc REPLAY kabátja Meg kocsija is volt ám neki Aki meg nem tetszett, beszólt neki Mindig más nõt vitt el moziba De az elso éjszaka után kidobta S az õ.. Read »
Lirik lagu Afflicted Past Hatebreed
Hatred, evokes the memories, that make your blood run cold. Fear and sorrow, push you away from yourself.[chorus]How can you face the world? When you can't face the mirror. How can you leave your past? With blood on your hands? Can you, run away all your .. Read »
Lirik lagu Antimatter Haujobb
overflow in non-technical sense approved for audience filtration of useless frequencies the world exist in pieces there is no matter of time a stream as fast as light distorted data file receive and believe only fragments of a global view caught in feedba.. Read »
Lirik lagu A Call For Blood Hatebreed
Your reign of terror is coming to an endAnd all your victims' pain will be avengedTaker of innocence, I want your demiseTear you apart for the unspeakable things you tried to hideI fucking hate youEvery bone in my body will ache'till I destroy everything .. Read »
Lirik lagu Analysis Haujobb
potential profit in every step made gentle transformation into the state of motion out of emotion mass destruction round the axis of rotation quiet we follow not conscious of a soul led by illusion development of solutions to compress the crowd and light .. Read »
Lirik lagu A Terrifying Truth Haujobb
If I was down to this earthI would have been a part of this brainwashThey never waste any timeNothing was simple any moreYou told me to stayBut I had no time at allOur bizarre romance was lostNo real life, imaginationsYou can keep on dreamingI was never h.. Read »
Lirik lagu Autumn Haste The Day
red leaves blow in the windleaving home and everything it's known behindbarren branches wave goodbyeas the red leaves slowly dieevery flower stares and watchesas the wind takes me awaybefore the sun shone upon menow the wind takes me awayred leaves fallin.. Read »
Lirik lagu A Folytatás Hatóságilag Tilos
A folytatás Melegebb éghajlat jellemzi mostanában az egész világot Pusztul a föld, pusztul a népA fejemben lassan összeáll egy kép Az utcákon mindenütt fegyverek ropognak Kisgyerek véres arccal rohannak Egy kislány sír a sarkon, nem érti, hogy a bátyját .. Read »
Lirik lagu A Civilizáció Nevében Hatóságilag Tilos
A civilizáció nevébenHát mi jogon nevezed magad civilizáltnak?Elmondanád? Elmondanád?Mitõl vagy különb a többi gyilkosnál?Megmondanád? Tudom, tudom már!Képes vagy a humánus gyilkolásraAz átkozott propagandád mögé rejtveHogy a vért senki ne lássaHatalomvág.. Read »
Lirik lagu As Lambs Haste The Day
you send us out as lambs amongst the wolvesbut the Lion stands by our sideyou will be my guidei need you to lead mei am so weak without youi'm tired of fightingi need you to fight for meyou will be my guideJesusyour voice is so sweet to my earsJesusi desi.. Read »