Lirik lagu Smile Willistic


Và này em ơiGiữ mãi nụ cười tươi trên môiYêu thương sẽ về cạnh bên em thôiVà này em ơiDẫu trắc trở đẩy em ra xa xôiCon tim cũng sẽ không chút đơn côi vìVì còn đây tôi, chẳng nhòa nhạt phai phôiVà này em ơiVà này em ơiNghe nói em vừa chấm dứt một mối tìnhĐ.. Read »

Lirik lagu Scammers And Trappers Tankz


Def Beats did it dirtyYeahAye AyeScammers and trappersScammers and trappersYeahCome onAyeLookScammers and trappers, scammers and trappersTold her none of it mattersCuz at the end of the day If you don′tGet on her knees we ain't taking herHakkaz, HakkazSca.. Read »

Lirik lagu So You Wanna Marry Daisy Spence Hood

Spence Hood

So you wanna marry DaisyYeah, well, good luck with thatYou got about as much of a chanceOf licking the brim of my hat′Cause she's a purebred, her forehead′sWorth about as much as your carSo let's just say your little bouquetWon't get you very farBut slow .. Read »

Lirik lagu Sembunyi Andy Flop Poppy

Andy Flop Poppy

Percikan sinar matamu singgah di hatiBergetar bibirku bisu sukar mengertiPantasnya diri tertawanTak sempat berkelip aku kau punyaBiarpun mengutus ilham memujuk jiwaTeguh mu suatu raga melamar rasaBiarpun kita mencubaSembunyi... namun kan terlihatYang jela.. Read »

Lirik lagu Situasi Bunkface


Diskriminasi menjatuhkan akuReputasi kini menjadi bisuDan aku, ku layuWhoa-oh-oh, disituMengharapkan sesuatu yang baruItulah impian akuDan bila kau menghilangMusnahlah, musnah impianTuk menggapai bintangTerangi hidupkuKu mahu kau tahuEngkaulah destinasiku.. Read »

Lirik lagu Sapés Comme Jamais (feat. Niska) Gims


Sapés comme jamain, sapés comme jamain de jamainSapés comme jamain, jamainSapés comme jamain, sapés comme jamain de jamainSapés comme jamain, jamainOn casse ta porte, c′est la GestapoJ'vais t′retrouver, Meugui ColumboÇa veut vendre des tonnes à la Gustavo.. Read »

Lirik lagu So Done The Kid Laroi

The Kid Laroi

Okay, I realize now, that everything that I did was wrongOkay, I realize now, some things are better off said than doneOkay, I realize now, that maybe I′m not ready for loveOkay, I realize now, I finished us before we begun-un-unI'm done, so done, I′m don.. Read »

Lirik lagu Save Your Breath Jvke


One word replies, dodgin′ my eyesHug me goodbye, but you don't hold as tightWhat gives?Conversations are dry"Hey" with one "y"Eight hours later, you say your phone diedYeah, I betYeah, you′ve been acting differentlyEver since we bumped into your ex last w.. Read »

Lirik lagu Scar Mkadinali "kovu" Wakadinali


KovuVile me hufanya juu ya handas matireMaNewcomer wapewe pampers wapimeAmbia nyash tumemwaminia basi,Lakini tukishampoteza hakuna comeback ingineNa ukome na hizi kwanza catch up na zileNdio uroge ka Mimi labda mkamba akuazimeKifua ujipige wee ni master w.. Read »