Broken heart one more time Pick yourself up, why even cry Broken pieces in your hands Wonder how you'll make it whole [Chorus:]You know, you pray This can't be the way You cry, you say Something's gotta change And mend this porcelain heart of mine Someone.. Read »
Lirik lagu Pedestal Barlow Girl
You're the coolest personThat I have ever seenSo perfect with your pretty faceOn the TV screenYou're a god I know itHow you stand above them allYou are my perfect personMan I'd hate to see you fallChorusI want someone to believe inYeah well don't we allIn.. Read »
Lirik lagu Putih Nfl
Pertama kali bertemu dengan mu...Berjuta rasa dalam anganku...Siapa dirimu aku tak tahu...Harus bagaimana tuk dapatkan mu...Interlude :Oooo....Putih...Engkaulah pujaan hatiku...Reff :Oooo....Sucinya....Hatiku untuk mencintai....Dirimu kan selalu ada...Di .. Read »
Lirik lagu Punk Rock Song (german Version) Bad Religion
Warst du schon mal in der Wueste? Schon mal den Tod gesehen?Hunderttausend Kinder sterben fuer BrotUnd die Zahlen luegen nicht, es ist die Krankheit der MenschenDoch wir tun was wir wollen, wir denken wie es uns gefaelltHast du die Erfahrung gemacht? Hast.. Read »
Lirik lagu Punk Rock Song Bad Religion
Verse 1:Have you been to the desert? Have you walked with the dead?There's a hundred thousand children being killed for their breadAnd the figures don't lie they speak of human diseaseBut we do what we want and we think what we pleaseHave you lived the ex.. Read »
Lirik lagu Pahami Kenyataan New Star
Tak pernah ku lupa parasmuYang selalu menghantui hidupkuMemang ku akui aku yang bersalahTelah menghancurkan hatimuDan tak pernah ku rasakan lagiKelembutan yang seperti duluHarus ku akui kadang ku menyesalTelah kehilangan dirimuBiarkan malam semakin pekatS.. Read »
Lirik lagu Pertanda New Rollies
Murkanya alam, korbankan jiwaKalutnya dunia, mendebarkan jiwaBencana ada di mana-manaMuncul tak terdugaNafsu angkara, melanda jiwaTanpa kuasa, menggelapkan mataJutaan korban manusiayang tak berdayabinasa dalam ricuhnya duniakarena saling kan kuasaReff.Kem.. Read »
Lirik lagu Prove It Bad Religion
Hit the road in wander mode inquire along the way Savoir faire in full despair while living day to day My heart is not a cold cauldron of proof I don't ever need to prove myself to you No! Looking back I'm off the tracks more times than I recognize Mistak.. Read »
Lirik lagu Progress Bad Religion
and progress is not intelligently plannedit's the facade of our heritagethe odor of our landthey speak of progressin red, white and blueit's the structure of the futureas demise comes seething throughit's progress 'til there's nothing left to gainas the d.. Read »
Lirik lagu Portait Of Authority Bad Religion
nothing more nothing lessan icon on the wall decoration and duressthat which many strive to beits the merble statue standing over meand nobody has the will to tear it downit determines wrong and rightbut to me its just a stereotypeand it makes us lose our.. Read »