Lirik lagu Hard Candy Christmas Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton

(Carol Hall)Hey, maybe I'll dye my hair Maybe I'll move somewhere Maybe I'll get a car Maybe I'll drive so far They'll all lose track Me, I'll bounce right back Maybe I'll sleep real late Maybe I'll lose some weight Maybe I'll clear my junk Maybe I'll jus.. Read »

Lirik lagu Halos And Horns Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton

(Dolly Parton)Halos and horns, sinners and saints, Hearts that are torn between what's wrong and ain't Just because it feels right does not make it so So we struggle through life in horns and halos Tempted and tried with each step we take We stumble and s.. Read »

Lirik lagu Hey Hey Zlato Elan


Minule mi povedala jedna milá paniJožo, mne sa zdá, že ty si ani, ani, animusíš vedie, kde máš miesto, musíš niekam patrinemôžeš sa takto mota a tára dve na triLenže pani, mne sa moja fotka hrozne páèipre život mi trochu srandy dokonale staèíusmejte s.. Read »