Lirik lagu Royal Deftones


God BlessResistCalm downContactReach usGo WildI'll taste your nameI'll tell off these spadesWatch ThisCalm downTeach usThe roadsYour contact it keeps us from roadsRemove your veilEvery last oneI'm on your teamLets goFace to face not scaredMy custom made n.. Read »

Lirik lagu Reality (intro) Dream


Who was that girl next to your man today?Oh, It was this next-door neighbor**Laughs**Next door neighbor, Di?Yeah…C'mon, now…You know I'm gonna, like, buy thatWell, I mean yeah, because…yeahDi…he's a liarHe's been playing you this whole timeNo he hasn'tDi….. Read »

Lirik lagu Root Deftones


Root To be forced under and look up to your home becauseWe gave our eyes but no one will yes I know becauseTo heed the cause I will be barred but you won'tWe are here to love heart he's up inside We start to cryJust because I will afford, living in me is .. Read »

Lirik lagu Recluser Dover


I went downtown to meet LesterFiremen were thereHis place had gone to ashesIt all was burntThen I went to look for BillyThe stupid bitch was goneShe'd taken all her stuffYeah!, she was goneIf I plan my revengeMy revenge, yeah!, yeah!, yeah!Be proud of meD.. Read »

Lirik lagu Rocket Skates Deftones


You're red, soaking wet.I'm right next to you.You're red, soaking wet.Let's writhe, let me see you trip.One move that will keep you wet.Lets fall in a long sadistic trance.Put the keys in our hands.Guns. Razors. Knives.(Fuck with me)Guns. Razors. KnivesYo.. Read »

Lirik lagu Rivière Deftones


She haunts the roads, she waits for a new faceThe arms red and injured she wants to rise she cant till we have facedI'll cut your armies down, and turn your heart!!!You wait, I'll waitI'll lie awake for youI'll cut your armies down, and turn your heart!!!.. Read »

Lirik lagu Rom Dschingis Khan

Dschingis Khan

Rom - viele tausend Jahre alt,zwischen Frieden und Gewalt,zwischen Zukunft und Vergangenheit.Rom - große Stadt am Tiberstrom,wo die Lust am Leben wohnt,und wo jeder Stein Geschichte schreibt.Ausgesetzt und um den Thron betrogenund von einer Wölfin großgez.. Read »