Jimmy buffett, russ kunkel, jay oliver, roger guth, and peter mayeryou can spend all your days in the grindconverting your nickles to dimesyou could stuff all your pockets till they overflowdon't chu know don't chu know don't chu know you can say you're t.. Read »
Lirik lagu Decades Joe Walsh
Minutes turn to hours, counting seconds tick away.Another day tomorrow, tomorrow's just another day.Days turn into years, and time goes by, over and over,Again and again, and then, years turn into decades.Decades. Start another decade, times ten.Ten decad.. Read »
Lirik lagu Domicile Jimmy Buffett
(0:37) God rest ye merry gentlemen Let nothing you dismay With Kinja as our domicile There's so much less to pay We pay our taxes here The IRS is far away Domicile is our comfort and joy Comfort and joy Domicile is our comfort and joy.. Read »
Lirik lagu Distantly In Love Jimmy Buffett
Pay phones all were ringing as the crowd went roarin' byLovely dancers swaying to an island lullabyBeside the southern ocean taking stock of what's to beWriting you this letter that you'll probably never see Chorus:But I can't help but beRuled by inconsis.. Read »
Lirik lagu Del Terror Joe Vasconcellos
Todo muy lindo, el poder adquisitivoLa dinamica del peso, cuanto quieres ganar?Tecnologia, subversiva, informatica, geneticaEstados alterados , nadie sabe informarHigh tech, mega byte, percibir cuando hay un cambioMantenerse en movimiento, no dejar de pro.. Read »
Lirik lagu Diamond As Big As The Ritz Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy buffett, russ kunkel, jay oliver, roger guth, and peter mayerversehidden in the mountainsunder the earth and stonea cubic mile of perfectiona treasure no one has known one man came upon this mother loadbuilt himself a thousand room chateau versehe's.. Read »
Lirik lagu Desperation Samba (halloween In Tiajuana) Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett, Will Jennings, Timothy B.SchmidtHalloween in TijuanaFull moon in my eyesI wonder how in the hell I got hereWithout a disguise Should I take this last stepor turn myself aroundor follow my intuition into that border town Yo quiero a bailar e.. Read »
Lirik lagu Days Gone By Joe Walsh
We have just begunWe should feel a part of us that we're leavingBack homeWe have just begunOn the deed that's done to usAll the favoursTo be grownWaiting in a lineNot thinking of the timeWe must go out and findWhatever did we leave behind?Soon we shall lo.. Read »
Lirik lagu Desdemona's Building A Rocket Ship Jimmy Buffett
Lyrics by Jimmy BuffettMusic by Buffett, Kunkel, Guth, P. Mayer & J. Mayer(Chorus)Desdemona's building a rocket ship, Desdemona's going awayDesdemona's building a rocket ship, blasting off todayShe's got a passion for cookies, a crew full of rookiesIt's g.. Read »
Lirik lagu Delaney Talks To Statues Jimmy Buffett
Delaney talks to statuesAs she dances 'round the poolShe chases cats through roman ruinsAnd stomps on big toadstoolsShe speaks a language all her ownThat I cannot discoverBut she knows I love her soWhen I tuck her 'neath the covers Father, daughterDown by.. Read »