Lirik lagu Ev'rything's A Thing Craig Morgan

Craig Morgan

Hit the snooze when the 'larm clock ringsLayin' there doin' that sleepy head thingThere's a bird out my window spreadin' his wingsCheap chirp doin' that sing in'Thing I do when I first get up is the coffee thing in my favorite cupOr two gets me goin' got .. Read »

Lirik lagu Electric Blues Cranbarries


Electric blue eyes where did you come from? Electric blue eyes who sent you? Electric blue eyes, always be near me. Electric blue eyes, I need you. Na na no, na na no... Domine, Domine Deus, Domine, Adiuva Me. Domine, Domine Deus, Domine, Adiu, Adiuma Me... Read »

Lirik lagu Et Aprés Cox


d'accord, on dit bonjourd'accord, on dit mercid'accord, on dit pardonon fait ce qu'on nous dit et puis, on applaudit encoreon le fait, et après et aprèson le fait, et après et aprèsd'accord, faire des études d'accord, faire des effortscourir, après l'arge.. Read »

Lirik lagu Ephémère Cox


De l'air qu'on respireA l'eau des rivièresDu froid qui sévitA la chaleur de la terreDes larmes au sourireOn ne possède rienDes coups durs au plaisirOn n'est maître de rienTout est si fragile,Ephémère,La vie sur un fil, EphémèreLumière facileElectricitéUn .. Read »

Lirik lagu Empty Head Crackout


I hear that I don't deserve thisToo late it's mine anywayYou run back broken and worthlessToo late with nothing to sayI lie on a new positionI hear that it's something goodGonna kill me like a killer shouldNo secrets nothing that I saidToo long you're was.. Read »

Lirik lagu El Tejano Cowboy Troy

Cowboy Troy

Escuchen a la musica, the beat is groovinya Groovinwith the record in secreto y la publicaIt the Cowboy with the fresh genreThe groove kinda smooth, make it wanna stick on yaCominoutta Dallas, puro eastside Listen to this song as youe rollinin your rideBu.. Read »

Lirik lagu Edit Crackout


Micro mind designNo one of a kindI will find a wayPunk rock is a soulOut to reach my goalI am led astrayShut my eyes and dreamI'm a broken spleenCrush myself a playNo more seeds are sownI'm a microphoneTake me out againWe're so weird (8x).. Read »