Lirik lagu Madagascar Emicida


Noites de MadagascarQuantas estrelas vi aliEm seu olharCoisas com as quais posso me acostumarFacin, posso me acostumar facinCéu azulVejo em mar pássaros, pássarosPássaros a cantarSão coisas com as quais posso me acostumarFacinPosso me acostumar facinA vid.. Read »

Lirik lagu Marry Me Ellegarden


Somewhere closer I can hear the wedding bellIt′s a fine day I am wearing a blue shirt like the skyI am standing in the line while holding confettiI see the girl of my dream is shining like the sunBeside himWon't you marry me?If I could be a rich boyWon′t .. Read »

Lirik lagu Miracle Bad Omens

Bad Omens

One look at your eyes and I cave inOne taste of the life, now I crave itIt′s not too late to die for a reasonFall down on the sword you were swingingI wanted to dress a blade up in red with both of our necksBut I wasn't able, and I wasn′t stable, I guessB.. Read »

Lirik lagu Maya The Uglyz

The Uglyz

माया जोखेर जोख्न सकिन्नकसरी भनूँ कति माया गर्छु?बुझ डुबी तिमी मेरो मायामाजति डुब्यो उति धेरै मायामाया बसाएर बसिन्नमाया निकालेर निकालिन्नबिर्सन खोज्छु तिमीलाई जति मयाद तिम्रो आउँछ अझ अतिसधैँ सम्झिन्छु तिम्लाई सपनीमाखोजी हिँड्ने गर्छु बिपनीमाहोइन दुई दिनको .. Read »

Lirik lagu Medley: 流淚眼望流淚眼 / 勞斯萊斯 容祖兒


流淚眼望流淚眼談十晚又談十晚經已說到 眼腫有如雞蛋流淚眼望流淚眼圍在一起 嗟嘆其實已 怨得很爛如何辛酸 如何淒慘 如何分擔如果仍然將從前再三哭訴是磨難拭乾眼淚回去 亦算節省一晚閒人一班 沉淪一番 自虐一番假如這同盟會輪流大講失戀太黯淡不如 對那人 鬥快鬥早心淡其實沒時間 為了他 比賽慘流淚眼望流淚眼場內似 越來越冷黑氣散佈 每一個人之間流淚眼望流淚眼何事不捨得散能互相安慰 都孤單能成為密友大概總帶著愛但做對好兄弟又如此相愛旁人會說不該純情何事會讓這悲劇揭開他真的很意外 想起相識以來一起溫書逛街聽歌看海日日.. Read »

Lirik lagu Mix Chulla Vida Grupo 5

Grupo 5

Grupo 5Ya no quiero recordarte másPerdí la esperanza en tiMe partiste el corazónCualquier otro en mi lugarSe olvidara para siempre de tu amorPor tu amor nadie ha llorado como yoPero ya estoy cansado de sufrirDesde hoy voy a bailarLa chulla vida que tengo .. Read »

Lirik lagu Match_3 Ufo361


I don′t understand, you said you'd never leaveYou told me that you′d be there, but you lied again to meYou're always on my mind, and when it's late at nightI think of what you′re doin′, do you think of me sometimes?And when I'm feelin′ down, I lose all co.. Read »

Lirik lagu Magusa Limanı Selda Bağcan

Selda Bağcan

Magusa Liman′ı limandır, liman aman ammanMagusa Liman'ı limandır, liman aman ammanBeni öldürende yoktur din imanBeni öldürende yoktur din imanUyan Ali′m uyan, uyanmaz oldunYedi bıçak yarasına dayanmaz oldunUyan Ali'm uyan, uyanmaz oldunYedi bıçak yarasına.. Read »

Lirik lagu Mensagem Apagada Dilsinho


Mensagem apagadaMandei na hora erradaMe arrependiE te acordeiSaudade não passaEu não esperavaQue estivesse aíE quer saber o que apaguei?Lembrei das nossas madrugadasQue gosta de dormir sem nadaQue quando sonha, fala e riE nega, diz que eu inventeiOdeia do.. Read »