Lirik lagu Stop The Insanity Leftover Crack

Leftover Crack

white & blue & bloody redstars and stripes for the mis-leadconvenince stores with neon lightswhere burger kings rule tainted nightsstop the insanity let's end humanitykill all earth's residents let's start with the presidentsthis sick atrophic stolen land.. Read »

Lirik lagu Still Left Of Centre

Left Of Centre

Watching the waves break,and the water turn clear.To see this vast reflection.Somewhere below me I appear.The apparition that I see.Looks familiar distinctly.But it changes every day.It wasnt always this way.Leaves drop and fall.It happens to us all.Somed.. Read »

Lirik lagu Social Enemies Left Of Centre

Left Of Centre

Social distortion.Is it getting through to you?Feedback, on a static station.Anything else to choose?But.Constant, changing. Methods of communication.Context, raping.What is left to lose?All we've got is time.To change what's black and white.Fucking. Sal.. Read »

Lirik lagu Swords Leftfield


Danger, in every corner.I have become pure water.I can identify.I close my eyes.I wear my sword at my side (x2).Cleanse me.Deep in the fire.I have become pure water.I wear my sword at my side (x4).I have become pure water (x2).I have become pure water (di.. Read »